Garboil: 1941, Pocket Comics #1 (Harvey). Garboil is a Hollywood movie director, one of many that came from Germany. Only Garboil is working for the Nazis. In his first venture, he plots to insert scenes that will give instructions to a spy ring. However, he's suspected by his leading lady, Linda Turner who adopts the identity of the Black Cat to stop him. He's not captured though, she and reporter Rick Horne opt to leave him free in order to catch other spies as they thwart plan after plan of Garboil's.
The Gargoyle: 1946, Mad Hatter #1 (O.W. Comics Corp). Fank Faro is a ruthless criminal who was captured by the Mad Hatter and sent to the electric chair for his crimes. A scientist is given the body for his experiments, and he transplants the brain into the body of a gorilla. Coming to, the gorilla-man kills the doctor in his confusion. Stealing clothes and a rubber mask, he uses his strength to carve a new criminal identity in the Gargoyle, taking over Faro's gang. They commit daring robberies as well as allowing the Gargoyle to enact a little vengeance. Eventually, his gang tires of the murders and the attention they attract and he is forced to rub out his whole gang and continue alone. He is unmasked as the gorilla-man and falls to his apparent death while fighting the Mad Hatter on a roller-coaster, leaving the Mad Hatter in the dark about the death and re-birth of Frank Faro and the reasons behind the killing spree. NOTE: The source of where I read this story actually lists it as being in issue #2, but the cover to issue 1 clearly references this particular story. Whether this is an error on the part of the reprinter or if the story somehow ended up in a separate issue from its cover or whether issue #2 reprinted stories from issue #1 (not unheard of), I don't know. But, the cover appearance clearly makes the Gargoyle's first appearance the first issue, even if his actual story comes in another issue.
Garlock: 1940, Amazing Man Comics #11 (Centaur). A large bearded man, he led a crew of pirates in the lost bayous of Louisiana. He ruled with an iron fist and kept panthers to guard his treasures which he kept under control with a cat-o-nine-tails. He and his band hid out in a "Lost Castle" built by pirates 150 years earlier hidden in the swamps near New Orleans. His chief henchman seems to be Slick and he has the large and powerful bald brute Harper as an enforcer and torturer. Amazing Man easily out-fought them, rescued the reporter Zona Henderson the pirates had captured earlier, and sent the authorities back to retrieve the defeated pirates.
The General: 1942, Champ Comics #23 (Harvey). The Liberty Lads spot a robbery is going on at a chemical warehouse and find a well equipped group of Nazis with tanks and guns. Captured, they are taken to the General, man in military garb but his head is covered by a red hood. Meanwhile, Dr. Dayton reports the theft from his warehouse to the police and lets them know that only the strongest poisons were taken. It turns out that the Nazis plan on poisoning the food supply of a nearby American base. Thanks to the cleverness of the Lads, they manage to get a message out to Hunt and the gang is rounded up. The General is revealed to be the elderly Dr. Dayton himself.
Genius: 1940, Science Comics, #3 (Fox). When Dynamo begins cleaning up the Rako gang, the few gang members Gun and Sop still at large hire a macabre looking scientist named Genius to help rid them of their trouble. He agrees to help them at a price of $15000. When a special gun works as advertised and Dynamo is thrown into a trap, the gangsters offer only $500 claiming they don't have the means to get the rest. Maddened at being double-crossed, he also throws them in the death trap where they inadvertantly reveal to Dynamo a way he can restore his powers. He quickly makes short work of Genius and transports them to jail. Interestingly, one of the crooks call Dynamo by his original name "Electro".
The Genius (II): 1944, Super-Mystery Comics v4n4 (Ace). After failure to successfully complete their missions, sexy spy Fay Morganna, the Hun ( a long-haired brute of a man), and the Goth (a bearded older gent) are fearing punishment by Hitler and the Gestapo when they are approached by a dimunitive mastermind calling himself the Genius to lead the group. He quickly proves his worth as being able to think cleverly on his feet and not bad in a fight thanks to his quick wit and various little gadgets and tricks. However, his plans are likewise foiled by the Sword, Lancer, and Merlin who manages to quickly catch the rest of the gang though the Genius escapes to fight another day..
The Gentleman: Exciting Comics 15 (Better). Notorious jewel thief, confident enough to warn victims of his crime ahead of time. However, when he threatens to rob the Bennet Galleries, they contact Tony Colby who's secretly the Mask. The Gentleman actually robs the gallery in disguise as an old woman and hides the necklace in hollow dog collar.
Ghenghis Khan: Champ Comics, (Harvey) Giant would be conqueror, armed with an electrical sword and head of his own army leads his forces against the Tibetan retreat where the Human Meteor gained his power belt from the monk Wah Le. The Human Meteor arrives and defeats the giant Khan and his forces.
Ghonda: 1945, Four Favorites #19 (Ace).Ghonda is a suave and extremely capable smuggler out of India. He's hired by gem merchant Lorenzo to smuggle diamonds. He and Lorenzo are captured by Lightning and Lightning Girl. While he wears a western (as in European/American, not cowboy) suit, Ghonda sports a red turban and a big black mustache. He prefers using his wits and a sacred dagger he keeps on his person to a gun, though his comrades don't share that compulsion.
Ghoro: 1944, Captain Flight #3 (Four Star). Ghoro looks quite a bit like Hitler, except maybe a little fitter. He sees the War in Europe as being self-destructive. When they are done, he hopes to swoop in and rule the remains. Meanwhile, he plans a similar fate for the Orient, fostering revolution with the goal of coming in with armies to establish himself as Emperor. He apparently dies falling from a cliff overlooking a river while fighting the secret agent 2B-3.
The Ghost: 1940, Amazing Man Comics #13 (Centuar). The Ghost and his gang have a small fighter plane which they use to force down large transport planes for loot and hostages. However, on one such flight is Minimidget and Ritty who escape capture. They rescue the hostages and mount an attack against the gang. The Ghost himself sneaks off and gets in his plane for a getaway. Minimidget and Ritty tie a line across the path and cause the plane to crash on take-off and burst into flames, apparently killing the Ghost. The Ghost and his gang wear red hooded robes, the Ghost's has a skull on the front. With the sole exception of strongman and guard Jo-Jo who walks around bare-chested.
Ghost II: Champ Comics 22 (Harvey): In this goodie, a jewel thief, pretending to be a ghost by decking out in a long flowing hooded white robe, steals jewels from an art show at an imported castle and isn't above torture to get what he wants, relegating a poor soul to the rack. Foe of the White Mask.
The Ghost III: 1941, Wonderworld Comics #23 (Fox). aka The Ghost of El Morro, the Ghost of the Fortress of El Morro. For 400 years the ghost has been supposedly haunting the fortress of El Morro at San Juan, Porto Rico (sic) and people that have investigated just disappear. Dr. Clark and his daughter set out to prove it to be hokum, but they too see a ghostly robed figure before vanishing. Yarko gets a telepathic feeling of their plight and heads down to investigate. He discovers that the Ghost is really just a projection using a magic lantern. A gang uses the Ghost myth as cover while they kidnap slave labor to work in a gold mine deep beneath the fortress.
Ghost Crook: 1941, Blue Bolt v2 #3 (Novelty). America Suez is a hypnotist and stage magician who uses his abilities to become invisible and loot unsuspecting masses. However, the crimes of a "ghost crook" prompts the investigation by a ghost cop, Sergeant Spook.
The Ghost Gang: America's Best Comics 20 (Better). Reclusive Professor Onslow Bradley had invented something he called the spectro-disperser, a device that would rob something of all color, bathing it in white and making it almost invisible. Unfortunately for him a gang looking for a place to hide out happen to come to his secluded home. He hopes to scare them off by using his device which makes him look like a white robed ghostly figure. Instead they overpower him and taking his ghastly cue, the gang makes use of his findings to rob banks as the ghost gang using his home as hideout. Ultimately, they were stopped by the efforts of Doc Strange.
Ghost Knights: 1946, Four Favorites #23 (Ace). After Magno and Davey give documents to Dr. Meade, curator of a local museum, he reads an incantation that raises ghosts of marauding knights. They take medieval weapons, kille Meade and start wreaking mayhem on the local populace who can only see the weapons. Magno correctly deduces that they may have something to do with the museum. He returns there and finds the incantation and returns them to the afterlife.
The Ghost of Blasco: 1947, Black Cat Comics #4 (Harvey). Actress Linda Turner's father Tim Turner buys an old theatre which he plans to revive with new shows. When he refuses to sell to some ruffians, a ghost soon appears hanging from the rafters and intoning "I am the Great Blasco! I hanged myself here years ago when my last play failed! No one else shall enjoy success where I tasted failure!" Luckily, for old Turner, his daughter is the Black Cat. When one ghost doesn't work, she has to repel a group consisting of a devil, a witch doctor, a viking, and a skeleton. She tracks them back to a group of all too human gang under the theatre and it's her, boyfriend Rick Horne and her father (a one time silent movie western star) against the gang. Turns out the gang had been using it as a secret base for their counterfeiting setup
Ghost of Duke Edgeroy: 1941, Cat-man Comics #4 (Holyoke). The legend is that for 200 years, the ghost has haunted the Glascow castle in the Blue Stone Mountains and recently Sir Wilkens Sidney has been seeing the ghost and has called on Rag-man to help clear up the mystery for a hefty award. The ghost promptly does appear dressed as a cavalier with a yellow-greenish death-head face. Rag-man captures the Ghost and exposes him as Marty Vance, a well known racketeer who with Sidney's servants was running a counterfeiting operation out of the castle. NOTE: The various elements of the story don't really add up. The location is obviously meant to be America despite the presence of a castle with a knighted owner and a ghostly duke. The ghost's appearance suggests the Duke being from centuries earlier than 200 years ago as well.
Ghost of Graydon Castle: 1941, Victory Comics #1 (Hillman). Carl Meyer is a Nazi scientist. His experiments with spiders in South America drove some natives insane and he was forced to flee to the USA and he chose Graydon Castle (it was transported stone by stone to overlook the Hudson) as a prime place to continue them, especially as the owner was away. He made a clay mask and illuminated it and his hands and started spreading the idea that it was haunted. He killed and replaced Graydon's lawyer and so was able to doctor the will so that ownership of the castle would go to Meyer if Graydon's heir could or would not live there. Then one night, as the ghost he visited Graydon and frightened him to death. When Ruth Graydon decides to disbelieve in ghosts and take up residence at the castle, he's forced to either scare her or kill her. What he doesn't know is that the mystery-man the Crusader has been on his trail and had tracked him down. Meyer had developed red spiders whose bites would drive their victimes mad, to thinking they were spiders themselves. At the present, they were attracted to a specific perfume but he was working that they'd be attracted to human odor and thus would unlease a plague of madness on the USA for the Reich.
Ghost Riders: 1937, Star Ranger #1 (Centaur/Chesler). The Ghost Riders are a group of three villains in the Old West They wear identical red shirts, black hoods and hats. They prove hard to catch and Ranger Lee Trent is tasked to bringing them to justice. He eventually proves that there really are SIX of the villains but only three would be seen at any given time, giving the other three a chance to establish hard alibis. One of the six is killed.
1941, Silver Streak Comics #17 (Lev Gleason). A few years earlier, the Ghoul had gone to a graveyard to find bodies for his experiments on restoring life. He killed the watchman and decided to make him his first subject. However, Daredevil shows up and promptly defeats him and turns him over to the state asylum. Flash forward to the present and playboy Bart Hill is relaxing at his country estate with fiance Tonia Saunders when he hears of the Ghoul escaping the asylum. The Ghoul has seemed to divine Daredevil's identity as he is secretly waiting until the hero leaves to take up the hunt. The Ghoul kidnaps Tonia and takes her by rowboat to his secret island lair, the kingdom of the Ghoul! Daredevil returns home and finds Tonia missing. When he quickly picks up the trail through his knowledge of woodlore, he realizes it leads to "the haunted lake" (darn the all caps style of lettering, it's difficult to decide if something is being descriptive or an accepted proper name of a place). He gets there before the Ghoul is able to behead Tonia and quickly recaptures the villain.
The Ghoul: 1941, Fantastic Comics #17 (Fox). The Ghoul wears a skull mask and dark suit and is a criminal mastermind.
Ghoul of Galhalla: 1949, Rulah #22 (Fox). Tyrr is a huge native who is robbing burial grounds for human bones to create exquisite carvings. Rulah travels with ace reporter Madge Adams to find this ghoul. Tyrr runs out of bones, so he kills his mate and starts carving a statue of a woman from her bones. Madge is ill-equipped for life in the jungle and goes from danger to danger, finally getting kidnapped by a large ape which promptly crosses paths with Tyrr. Upon seeing the dead and desecrated body of Tyrr's mate, Madge's mind finally snaps while Tyrr himself battles and kills the ape. It is then that Rulah catches up to the girl and the ghoul and easily dispatches the madman. Poor Madge is sent to an asylum, but she eventually escapes and drowns, protecting the statue that she calls "dolly".
Giant's Dagger: 1941, Big Three #2 (Fox).Tom Patten and Roxdon cooked up a scheme where the thief Patton would steal millionaire Roxden's jewels and collect on the insurance money. Only Roxden betrayed Patten and he went to jail where he apparently perished in a fire in 1937. Years later and Roxden is slain by a giant dagger which skewers him. Which has Blue Beetle investigating and tussling the mysterious man known as "Smith" who seems a match for his strength. Smith is later revealed to be Patten who was disfigured in the fire and now has a headquarters under the cellar of his old home. Deranged, he kills his wife before she can betray him and almost succeeds in killing the Blue Beetle, Mike and Joan with a torture device before a replica of the Giant's Dagger which holds up the ceiling gives way and buries just him. Patten is a large man, bald and with a leering face when he's in his murderous rage but otherwise doesn't seem too disfigured. The giant dagger he carried around in a "violin case" and which he could use as a spear (the size of it, it would have to be a bass, not a violin).
The Gibbet: 1946, Seven Seas Comics #2 (Leader Enterprises/Universal Phoenix Features). The Gibbet rules Porta Pala, a town on a remote isle, full of pirates and thugs. All but one water supply, his, is considered poison and it comes at a steep price, gold. And, with harsh punishments for those that won't pay his price. His right hand thug is Cuttle. His ways are undone by Captain Cutlass and crew who put the leader in the stockades that he used for others and forced him to drink the “poisoned” water in front of the townsfolks, proving the waters were clean all along. Cuttle is killed fighting Cutlass. Gibbet appears to have been hung by his feet into a pool of water to drown.
Gila: 1941, Stars and Stripes #5 (Centaur). An American who while working for the government suffered a terrible accident that disfigured his face. While not a Nazi (and he's quick to point that out) he still allies himself with Nazi agents to get revenge against the government through acts of sabotage. He even challenges Amazing Man over television.
Glock and Saturnia: 1944, Blue Beetle #34 (Fox). A multi-part adventure serialized over several issues In "The Threat From Saturn" Blue Beetle must fight the criminal duo of Glock and Saturnia, a bald ogre and an evil glamour gal. On Saturn, they are criminals and when captured, they are imprisoned in a meteor in the hopes that it would kill them, instead it brought them to Earth.. In issue 39, BB teams up with an Italian peanut vendor to as the criminals manipulate a cult of elephant-worshippers into rioting throughout the city.
The Glove: 1944, Jim Hardy (United Features). Before Michael Jackson, there was "The Glove" a villainous gang leader who wore a single glove, on his right hand. His gang was able to briefly capture two of the Triple Terror. Despite this, they found him a bit too common for a master-mind and were not surprised to find out that he was simply a lieutenant for the beautiful but deadly Valpine, the true criminal mastermind. Note: In the above issue, the story makes mention the group had faced him before, but at this time I do not have access to earlier stories.
Glunken: Fighting Yank #5 (Better). Herr Glunken was among a group of German saboteurs practicing their craft in the Alps. They uncovered a cave with a blonde giant, a prehistoric man trapped in there for centuries. The long time in sub-zero temperatures made him bigger, stronger and made his body radiate intense cold. After slaying several of the Nazis, he falls under the sway of Glunken who recognizes him as a German even if a prehistoric one. It is Glunken who gives the giant the name of Blitz. Glunken takes him to America to perpetuate several acts of sabotage but they were ultimately stopped by the Fighting Yank.
The Glutton: 1946, Jumbo Comics #93 (Fiction). A large criminal genius who is constantly eating while planning and committing crimes. His crimes are consistently foiled by ZX-5, though he makes a habit of getting away. NOTE: I have no way of verifying if this one story is his only story or not at this time. The story refers to a history between him and ZX-5 and he escapes at the end, promising future encounters, but that doesn't mean that those adventures ever made it into publication.
The Goblin: March 1944, Clue Comics #7 (Hillman). Ronald Byrd, yet again: Taunted since 1923 for his goblin-like appearance, Eric Hessler constructs a death-trap amusement park and sends his employees into it to die. During a battle with Zippo, the Goblin is seemingly killed in a roller coaster accident.
Golden Monkey Society:1955, Phantom Lady 3 (Ajax-Farrell). In the country of Formosa this secret Asian society plots to overtake the country under the leadership of Lee Kim and want Senator Knight to take word back to America that it's for the good of the country that he do so. However, his plans of conquest are undone by Phantom Lady.
The Golden Skull: 1941, Jungle Comics #23 (Fiction). Anthony Durrant writes: The Golden Skull is the statue of a red devil that is worshipped by the Mobalo tribe. After two brothers go into the jungle looking for the Skull, one of them returns injured and is killed by one of the Mobalos using a poison dart. Roy Lance, the jungle ranger, then heads down into the tribe's territory, where he discovers the Golden Skull in a cave at the foot of a volcano, in the process saving the life of a Mobalo named Bomba. Bomba then returns the favour by hiding behind the Golden Skull and ordering his people to release Roy. Roy and Bomba then topple the statue, save the life of the dead man's brother, and escape from the cave through the secret passage that had been behind the idol. The Mobalos are killed when the volcano erupts; Bomba is the sole survivor of his entire people. (As can be seen from the description above, the name "Golden Skull" is a misnomer, and the statue was probably supposed to be called "the Red Devil," but the name was changed.)
Goldmaster: 1940, Big Shot Comics (Columbia). Dennis Durrant imparts: Goldmaster is a criminal obsessed with gold. In his first appearance, he killed two of the men who had sent him to prison years before. In his last appearance, in Big Shot Comics #3, he shared the secret of how to make gold with a wealthy banker, who intended to use his unlimited gold supply to "buy the government." However, they ran afoul of the Face, Goldmaster's perennial foe, and Goldmaster took his own life by swallowing poison, while the banker and Goldmaster's henchmen went to prison. Goldmaster was a tall robed man very much in the mold of the Claw; he wore a grey skullcap and had pointed ears and a goatee.
The Gorgon: 1937, The Comics (Dell). Masked super criminal and kidnapper. Opposed by Tom Beatty.
The Gorgon II: 1941, Prize Comics #17 (Prize). The Gorgon is a huge and powerful giant wrecking industrial plants in order to cripple America's might. He's directed by a mysterious stranger who injects him with a chemical that gives him his might and is then directed to go after Gene West a radio commentator who is using his job to boost morale and direct a crusade against the man's capture. West also happens to be the equally powerful hero Power Nelson.
Gorgon's Head: Yankee Comics: 3 or 4 (Chesler) A masked and cloaked figure, ala the Shadow, carrying a Medusa head attacked various patriots that worked for the war effort, turning them to stone. Yankee Doodle Jones and Dandy investigated with Dandy almost falling prey to the hideous head himself. They revealed that the masked figure was Bogardus, the federal representative. He had developed a fluid that turned the victims to stone and made a plaster Medusa head to spray his victims. He drank the formula himself rather than being captured.
The Gorilla: 1941, Blue Beetle Comics #9 (Fox). Jack Castle is the assistant to scientist Dr. Brock. Brock has been experimenting with transplanting brains of humans and apes. When Castle shows up once again drunk and apparently having tried again to make time with Brock's niece Elsa, Brock knocks Castle out and transplants his brain into the ape instead of some poor bum's. When Castle comes to, he's enraged and kills Dr. Brock. He flees to his oldest friend a world-renowned scientist by the name of Mishkin. Mishkin panics seeing a talking gorilla and contacts the police and Castle must kill him as well. He then tries confronting Els who shoots and wounds him. Maddened, he vows a war on mankind. Meanwhile, Elsa and new boyfriend Ken Connors team up to stop him. An interesting strip built around the villain.
Gorilla II: (Fiction). Anthony Durrant writes: Gorilla was a bearded sea captain with one eye and a hook for a hand, who captured apes for a doctor and his assistant (who were trying to cure the black fever through an electrical treatment). Gorilla tried to discredit both the doctor and Sheena by turning the natives against the doctor, which caused them to go to war against all whites, but he was stopped by Sheena and taken to the Commissioner.
The Gorillas: Anthony Durrant writes: A band of gorillas is wreaking havoc in Kenya, and Keith Richards, the adventurer, is sent in to investigate. He and his assistant Betty discover that the gorillas are actually German saboteurs in gorilla skins, and in the process she shoots one of them who has come to kill Dan himself. In the end, the "gorillas" are captured, and their ringleader is revealed to be Keith Vincent, the hunt licenser, who had tipped the saboteurs off when someone applied for a hunting license at his station, after which they would strike.
Gorilla Men: 1941, Exciting Comics #8 (Standard). In Africa, a train wreck is blamed on gorillas and Ted Crane and his gal Betty investigate. The gorillas seem intelligent as well as tough, Ted puts 4 bullets in one to no avail. At the end, the gorilla men are revealed to be a gang headed by Vincent, a game protector hired off by the Germans. They wore gorilla suits that had weighted knuckles and bullet-proof plating to help them carry out their charade.
The Grand Zombie: 1940, Weird Comics #4 (Fox). A master Zombie maker living in a palace of his own in the jungles. He and his wife (?) are poisioning some native villagers and turning them into their zombie slaves after they fall into a death-like state. He's killed by Bob Warren, returning the will back to the zombie victims.
Gray Hordes from the Center of the Earth: 1940, War Comics #1 (Dell). A bombing causing them to wreck their car in the English countryside, Danny Dash and his pal Mac find a castle that shows signs of someone meeting there and in a roaring fire find a document that only warns of “the gray hordes from the center of the earth.” They soon find those men as well as an advanced airplane. Mac is wounded and the gray men escape, though they are ordered by someone speaking English. Danny believes that they may have something to do with the increased bombing raids of late, but the mystery is never solved. The second issue brings in the disappearance of men in Paris and the involvement of a madman calling himself Charon (talked about, never shown).
Great One: 1940, Amazing Man Comics #13 (Centaur). The Great One is a mysterious mastermind, commanding the Eurania, a huge mobile and submersible ship that he calls his floating continent. He uses a magnetic-ray to capture aircraft that he keeps in hangars below deck. His own powers of hypnosis enslave the pilots to his will. He wears a black hood and robe that covers most of his face. His loyal soldiers wear similar outfits though their faces are visible. His plans of conquest are stopped by the Scarlet Ace. He apparently falls to his doom from an airplane while dueling with the Ace in the skies.
Great Question: 1939, Amazing Man Comics #5 (Centaur). This mystery villain was one of the head lamas at the lamasery where Amazing Man was raised and trained. With his incredible telepathic powers (he could project his thoughts across the world and could hypnotize all but the strongest mind) he was the lama in charge of interrogations. All under the observation of the other lamas the Great Question was able to create a world-spanning criminal organization. Throughout Amazing Man's life, the Great Question attempted to take control of his mind; in the end, Amazing Man's mind proved too strong for him. Amazing Man revealed his criminal plans to the other lamas and the Great Question found himself banished from the lamasery. He continued to hound Amazing Man in the outside world. In one issue, he 'piloted' a giant metal robot referred to in one panel as the "Iron Man." The Great Question is able to mystically turn himself invisible and/or teleport over great distances. By issue 22, he teams up with Hitler and the Nazis and aids them through his science and mysticism now called "black magic". At this time he starts using different names: Mr. Que, the Great Que, and just plain Que. He trades in his hood and robes for more military garb and a white eye mask. As the Great Que, he has a secret base in the Pacific, his own army and air forces and super science weapons. His base is high in the stratosphere, so he and his men have to wear oxygen helmets. In the summer of 1941, he launches new attacks against America, starting with his air squadron bombing the bases at Hawaii and laying waste to the island, more complete than what the Japanese would do in several months. Amazing Man is able to destroy the base and help American pilots handle Que's air squadron. Que himself teleports away.
The Great Question is possibly comics' first really great super-villain. He not only predates most others when the the heroes fought mainly spies and crooks, but he was in almost every Amazing Man story, directing the scenes through henchmen and different parts of his criminal organization and sometimes taking direct hand in affairs himself and almost always managing to elude capture.
Green Claw (alias for the Claw): Silver Streak Comics #6 (Lev Gleason). Created by Newton Alfred.
Green-Eyed Man: see "Groff"
The Green Fog/Mist: 1943, Green Hornet Comics #14 (Harvey). Weather scientist Professor Ronley creates a formula for a thick green fog or mist that can only be seen through by infra-red goggles. He intends it for American use, but murderous gangster Vic Zaza kidnaps his daughter and forces the scientist to make it for him and his gang to use in their robberies. Zaza is captured by the Green Hornet and Kato.
Green Ghoul: 1943, America's Best Comics v2n2 (Standard). The Green Ghoul has a ring made from the eye of an Incan idol which conveys various power. Anyone he strikes with it falls down, and he can look into the ring and see anyone that he has hit with it. While fighting with Doc Strange in the ruined tail section of a plane, he's actually knocked off into the ocean by Strange's girlfriend Virginia. His ultimate fate unknown.
Green Hood Gang: 1941, Lightning Comics vol2 #2 (Ace). A gang of crooks wearing hoods that covered their whole bodies committed a series of daring robberies. The first was letting the Raven raid a party and then once he collected the loot, robbing him. They weren't above committing some of their own and shooting those that got in their way. The Raven reached a truce with the police to help capture the gang. When rounded up, the gangleader was an old bootlegger named LaRue. The others of the gang were Central American natives that he duped into helping him with promises that the money would be used to build a temple back in their homeland.
The Green Mask: 1940, Sure Fire Comics #1 (Ace). A green hooded man and his gang steel government secrets, torture agents to death all in plots to bring governments to answer to them. Turns out he's the famous sportsman Sam Barkley, his hatred of American stemming from his American father abandoning his foreign and presumably ethnic mother. He takes poison to avoid capture by X, the phantom fed. This story is a re-telling of the story "Ambassador of Doom" in the Secret Agent "X" pulp.
The Green Skull: 1942, Dynamic Comics #3 (Chesler)/Jan. 1943, All-New Comics #1, (Harvey). Green-death's head villain that fought the Nighthawk. When captured, he stands revealed as Norris, the partner of a tank manufacturer. The villain seems to have first appeared in a text story in the Chesler comic while the Harvey one is his first depicted appearance.
Green Sorceress: 1940, Blue Bolt Comics #2. Villainess that opposed the underground kingdom that Fred Parrish, aka the Blue Bolt allied himself with. She later went to the surface and aided Hitler? Later reformed.
Gremlin: Fighting Yank (Better). Looking like a man-sized cobbler's elf, the Gremlin is billed as a denizon from "the realm of death." However, he works for the Nazi cause. Lighter than air, the Gremlin maneuvers through the sky by being suspended by a large motorized propellor. He fought the Fighting Yank.
Grey Destroyers: Startling Comics #39 (Better). Dick Martin and his girlfriend Joyce head to the mountains of New Hampshire for a skiing holiday. However, they run afoul of a gang of five men who are setting themselves up for conquest. The leader is an inventive genius of electricity and magnetism. He is using the state's own power to set up his base. In addition to guns that fire paralyzing rays, he has massive cannons that fire ricochet bombs, and man-sized radio directed spheres capable of electrocuting everyone in a three mile radius where they crash. He even is able to come up with a trap that temporarily immobilizes Pyroman. Ultimately, Pyroman is victorious and capturing the gang. The Grey Destroyers, including the leader, all dress in gray rubber-asbestos suits with cowls that cover their head but leave the faces exposed.
The Grey Hood: ?1942, Doc Savage #8 (Street & Smith): In formal attire with tails and a cadaverous face in a gray hood, this villain and his gang attempted a scheme to kidnap the rich boy Sylvester Ritzbilt. However, he ran into a couple of obstacles. One being, on a lark the boy exchanged identities with a poor boy, Tommy Dunn ala “The Prince and the Pauper”. The other being the involvement of the hero Ajax, the Sun Man. He gave it a good shot, converting an old residence on the Seaside Cliffs into a “Murder Manor” with death traps galore and even a moat to deal with unwanted guests. However, in the end, Ajax triumphs, restoring both boys to their respective parents and the Grey Hood was revealed as Jordan the butler.
Emil Groff, the Green-Eyed Man: August 1941, Victory Comics #3 (Hillman). Emil Groff is a daring Gestapo agent, doesn't even bother changing his name while operating in the US. He has green eyes that seem to work like a flashlight (or maybe artistic way to show that he can see in the dark) as well as being a powerful tool for hypnosis which he is a master. Although, he fails at bending the Crusader to his will who captures him. He uses his hypnotic powers to escape from trial. He is shot and his body lost to the seas when fleeing from the Crusader and the U.S. Navy.
Guinn, Mrs. Fay: 1947, The Fighting Yank #22 (Standard). Mrs. Fay Guinn is a large woman who runs an orphanage for children. It's actually a front for her gang and they use the kids as pickpockets, purse snatchers and thieves. Fighting Yank gets involved when his alter ego Bruce Carter III and fiance Joan witness one of the thefts. As the Fighting Yank he follows the young thief back to the orphanage. In a knock-down fight with Mrs. Guinn and her gang, she stands revealed as a "he". He's Frank Guinn, ex-strongman for the Holloway Circus. But, not quite strong enough to stand up against the Fighting Yank.
Professor Gustoff: 1940,
Fight Comics #9 (Fiction). On Milo Island, Professor Gustoff has come up with a fluid that transforms white men into fish-men though powerless on natives. After experimenting on several beachcombers, he decides on a more hearty
specimen, Shark Brodie. In the end, Shark manages to outfight thefish-men, rescue Terry, a kidnapped girl from the Geographic Society, and capture Gustoff and his aide Basil. He claims that all the fish-men drowned while fighting him which seems a bit suspicious.
The Gypsy: 1942, Lightning Comics v3#1 (Ace). This dark robed hag came forth, telling fortunes with her crystal ball, foretelling doom and a curse upon Lake Aircraft Company. Turns out, her son was foreman of the plant and he had convinced her she had real powers with the aid of her husband (who also dressed like a gypsy). When her husband and son die in a plane crash while fighting the Sword, she confesses to all.