Saber the Spy Fighter:
1940, Fight Comics (Fiction). The banner of the strip reads:
The Spy Fighter starring SABER, the man with the keenest mind in
the world, and the mightiest..." The mightiest what? This is one
of those strips that it's so bad, so rough that it's got it's own
strange attraction. Like driving by a multiple car accident. The
art reminds me of Fletcher Hanks (Stardust, Fantomah) only not as
good. Enough of that, I was a bit surprised because I had never
heard of the guy before. Plus the story is set in the future of...
1997! Saber wears an all red tight costume with a collar, has telepathic
powers. In 1997, he's the head of the American Super-Intellingence
Department and Antarctica is now an independent nation of huge futuristic
cities with an eye for world power. But we have Saber on our side,
so all is well. At another point, the year is 2041. And in issue
14, the whole sci-fi angle is dropped and Saber is a non-super
spy pitting his wits against the Nazis though much better drawn. |
The Saint: 1928, "Meet the Tiger" (Novel) and 1942, Silver Streak #18 (Lev Gleason). Simon Templar is an independent crusader against injustice, he steals from the crooked and gives to the poor and down-trodden, keeping a percentage for himself of course. He's very successful and lives a good life. He's helped by Patricia Holm while Inspector Teal of Scotland Yard tries to capture him for his crimes of theft. |

Samson, the strong man: 1905, New York Evening Telegram (New York Herald Co.). Samson is an early prototype of the comic hero along the lines of the even earlier Hugo Hercules. He appears to be married to a blonde who simply calls him Sammy (and she has a sister who calls him Sam). He does various good deeds and feats of strength. NOTE: Like Hugo Hercules and the Handyman from Timbuctoo, copies of his strip can be found at Barnacle Press. |
Samson: 1939, Fantastic Comics #1 (Fox). When Sam (no last name given) reaches adulthood and graduates from college, he displays incredible strength. His mother tells him that he is descended from the Biblical Samson. He decides to then fight crime dressed in a loincloth. He has his ancestor's
super human strength and nigh invulnerability as well as his weakness if his hair is cut or burnt off. Luckily his hair rapidly grows back. Early on he befriends a scientist Professor Brun who is in exile from a foreign dictatorship. Brun has fantastic inventions, one of which allows him to send Samson faster than light to different trouble points around the globe. Eventually, Samson adopts David, an orphan and decides that his lariat and scouting skills would be an asset. He also gains a girlfriend in Lila Dee and an artist friend and comical sidekick in J. Rembrandt Speedball. |
Sand Hog: 1939, Amazing Mystery Funnies v2 n4 (Centaur). A sand hog is an underground worker/tunneler and Bob Stevens,
working on the tunnel under Long Island, is one of the best, the "Sand Hog". His boss Big Steve helps him. |
Buck Sanders & His Pals: 1942, Prize Comics #24 (Hillman). He has 3: Fatty, the
fat kid and two nameless ones. |
Saunders of State: 1945, Red Circle Comics (Enwil). "Sandy" Saunders is an all-around good athlete at State College. Not sure if his nick-name Sandy is for his first name or a play on his last name, in which case he's not given a first name in the one story I've read. |
Sub Saunders: 1939, Fantastic Comics #1 (Fox). A heroic submarine commander in the year 10,000. The Earth has changed and undersea realms like Atlantis are now known to exist. He helps the Queen Lantida of Atlantis against evil nobleman Naulus and his frogmen. In the 4th issue for his newest adventure, he's given the ability to live underwater and withstand the sea pressure by the noted Professor Foama. In the 5th issue, it is revealed that he has a fiance called Peg who is also given the ability to survive underwater. Of course in later issues, he's shown with a typical air-bubble, so the effects just may not be permanent. |
Captain Savage: 1939, Mystery Men Comics #4 (Fox). Also
billed as the Sea Rover, Captain Savage and his crew man the small but quick sailing schooner "Danger". They pursue pirates and criminals, but for reward money, which earns them the enmity of legitimate authorities. His first mate is Hardtack. NOTE: In issue 5, there's a text story of a mystery hero who does the same bit, solving crimes for reward money that's attributed to Will Eisner. |
Dan Savage: 1940, Arrow #1? (Centaur). A heroic Mounted Police officer. His horse is called Devil.NOTE: Many of the strips in this title were reprinted from other comics, so not sure at this time of the first appearance. |
Simon Savant: 1941, Super Magician Comics v1#8 (Street & Smith). Simon Savant is a doctor of criminology and travels to various locations to solve crimes for the police, sort of like a CSI on loan. |
Dr. Savant: 1948, Red Dragon Comics #5 (Street & Smith). The question is, is he Simon Savant from above? Or, is he someone else? |
Sgt. "Buzz" Sawyer: 1940, Cyclone Comics #1 (Holyoke).
Heroic NY state trooper. |
"Rip" Sawyer: 1940, Masked Marvel #2 (Centaur). Rip appears to be the head lumberjack of the Thompson concern. Thompson is in competition with "Doc" Coon over the Apex contract and Coon's men are not above bribery and violence to delay Thompson's men. However, Rip is able to rally the men and fight off Coon's men. Coon himself is apparently killed falling off a cliff when attacking Rip.

Scarab: 1943, Exciting Comics 42-48, Black Terror 20, and Startling
Comics 34 (Better). Egyptologist and archaeologist Peter Ward is the reincarnation of the
high priest of the Egyptian Sun God. He's assisted by a black cat called Akh-Tu
(gesundheit) who is the reincarnation of his assistant.Ward transformed himself
into the Scarab by activating his scarab ring. He was super strong, invulnerable
and could fly. |
Scarlet Ace: 1940, Amazing-Man Comics #13 (Centaur). Little is revealed about the Scarlet Ace. The American government is able to contact him to investigate strange happenings involving. He faces off against the Great One. He's a great pilot and able hand-to-hand fighter. He wears conventional flying togs, only decked out in deep red. |
Scarlet Arrow: 1947, Black Cat #5 (Harvey). Alan Bidel is the red-hued version of Green Arrow. |
Scarlet Horseman: 1946, The Scarlet Horseman (movie serial). Jim Bannion
is one of two agents for the US government who are trying to track down those
who are behind the uprising of the Commanches that could lead to a vote to split
the Texan territory. He poses as a lame gunsmith while his partner does most
of the leg work. To further aide their efforts, Bannion also rides as the Scarlet Horseman, the legendary
scarlet clad warrior of the Commanche. |
Scarlet Nemesis: 1943, All New Comics #2 (Family/Harvey).
Rocky Ford is a private detective with Judy
Allen as his partner. Rocky isn't the most enlightened type though, usually trying to give her other tasks to keep her out of the cases. The two are unaware that each is also a masked hero, the Scarlet Nemesis and the Black Orchid. |
Scarlet Phantom: 1943, All New Comics #2 (Family/Harvey). Jack Winstead
is a reporter for the Evening Globe. His father is killed just as he's finishing inventing a red "phantom cloak" that grants the wearer the power of invisibility. Jack uses it to become the Scarlet Phantom to avenge his father's murder. |
Scarlet Sentry: 1941 Yankee Comics #1 (Harry "A" Chesler). Ex-footballer Don Lawson
mails off for a bullet-proof costume similar to a Canadian Mounty's and uses it to fight enemies of America. Mail order costumes, huh? Guess that's easier than sewing your own. |
Scoop Daily: 1941, Punch #1 (Harry "A" Chesler). Scoop is in occupied France before the United States entry into the war. Scoop is your typical fighting American news reporter. He helps the French Resistance against the Germans. His name was changed to Scoop Dalry the following issue. |
The Scorpion: 1941, Miracle Comics #1 (Hillman). Curly haired Hal Ward is the crime busting Scorpion. He doesn't wear a costume or maintain a secret identity, even the gangsters seem to know who he is. He's helped by his rather laconic and hulking man-friday Judd. In the second issue his name's Rex Gray. In issues 3 & 4 the issue is avoided just by not referring to his real name at all. |
Bob Scott, Crash Photographer: 1944, Camera Comics #1 (U.S. Camera). Bob Scott and pal Tom Hayes are stationed on an aircraft carrier and their job is to chronicle the lives and adventures of the Navy men on board. Of course, this leads into various adventures. |
Denny Scott: 1939, Mystery Men #1 (Fox Features). Captain Denny Scott
works for the British in India as a Captain of the Bengal Lancers, taking on
all the evils of India and surrounding countries. |
Scotty of the Skyways: 1940, Super Spy #1 (Centaur). Scotty and his buddy Bernie are pilots and two-fisted adventurers, ready to fly anywhere. |
Bob Scully: 1933, Bob Scully: The 2 Fisted Hick Detective #nn (Humor Publishing Co.,). The title pretty much says it all. |
Sea Devil: 1942, Rangers of Freedom (Fiction). Alexander Dewey and his son Ensign Heck Dewey were developing a 2-man mini sub and when the War started, Ensign and his friend Biff Swenson wage a 2 man war with the sub dubbed the Sea Devil. Blonde Cora Wood provides the romantic angle at least for an issue or two. |
Secret Agent 7-X: 1945, Witty Comics #1 (Irwin H. Rubin). In the early days of the War, he operated in the Arabian Desert where the Nazis were inciting Arabian tribesmen lead by Sheik Mohammed Fey to attack the British. 7-X is talented enough at disguises to fool other Arabians into thinking he's one of them. |
Secret Agent M-11: 1940, Prize Comics #1 (Prize). M-11 works for an
unrevealed American intelligence agency. |
Secret Agent RS-11: 1945, Crown Comics #1 (McCombs). RS-11 is your typical spy, good with a punch and good at disguises. Proficient enough with the latter to pass himself off as being Middle-Eastern. |
Secret Agent X-101: 1940, Silver Streak Comics #8 (Lev Gleason). "Not even Pat White, his confidential secretary, knows that Bart Benson her publisher-employer is none other than Secret Agent X-101." The paper is the Daily Record and he seems to be the chief writer and editor as well. Other than reporting to Secret Service headquarters, there isn't much reason for him to be a secret agent vs just your every day crusading journalist. |
Secret Agent Z-2: 1940, Crash Comics #1 (Tem Publishing). Z-2 is a top investigator for the American government working for whichever agency needs him at the moment. |
Secret Circle: 1941, Choice Comics #1. The Storm brothers are the crime fighting
trio the Secret Circle. Olympic athletes, Jim is an incredible boxer, Larry
a pole vaulter and Mac a sprinter.When their father, Police Commissioner Storm, is killed by mobsters, the trio go into action as the Secret Circle. The series has a certain superficial similarity to the
serial "Daredevils of the Red Circle". |
Senorita Rio: 1941, Fight Comics #19 (Fiction House). Actress Rita Farrar is
a successful Hollywood actress, but her fiance died during the Pearl Harbor
gives up her glamorous Hollywood life, fakes her death and goes to the South American continent as an independent secret agent. NOTE: As different sources give her different names, it's possible that Fiction House couldn't quite keep straight her backstory. The GCD lists her name from Fight Comics #19 as "Consuela Maria Ascencion De Las Vegas" but that isn't in the actual comic. When giving me info on the villain Colonel Von Stutz and Rio's origin, it is Carmen Avila. Of course, it is possible that these are alter egos for Rita Farrar after she faked her death, as the GCD lists both Rita Farrar AND Consuela as her name in issue #21. |
Sentinel: 1941, Liberty Scouts #3 (Centaur). In 1783, to celebrate winning the Revolutionary War, a cannon is added to the Boston Commons as a monumental piece. The female Spirit of America adds the "powders of Patriotism" to the cannon to call forth a champion of America. In 1941, the nation is beset by spies and sabotage and the cannon goes off (by itself it seems) and the Sentinel is called forth. He seems to have some super-strength, is surrounded by a corona of flame, can fly, appear and disappear in bursts of flame (not traveling through flame like the Flame, just his way of appearing and disappearing like many of the Centaur heroes doing in mists and smoke) and leave flaming writing in the air. |
Sgt. Blue: 1951, Suspense #6 (Atlas Comics). Jacob Stalinov is a Russian agent sent to America as mechanical engineer Joseph Summers to uncover the secret of the invention of Dr. Marco. Assisted by his daughter Sue and Jon Byron he has created a robotic soldier called Sergeant Blue who is to be the first of many. He confides that other than himself, only another secret helper by the name of Dr. Rex knows the secrets of creating the robots. Not even Dr. Byron nor Sue know the complete details. Stalinov as Summers arrives and is able to integrate himself into the lab. He meets the mysterious Dr. Rex who wears a mask that covers his whole head. When he pressures Rex for more information, he’s struck with a powerful blow that leads him to think that Rex must wear a steel glove. Stalinov arranges for Sue and Dr. Marco to be kidnapped and tortured. Meanwhile he sneaks back to the lab and blows it up, destroying the robots in progress being built. While gone, Sue manages to get loose enough to telephone Dr. Byron but Marco is shot and killed while trying to escape. Byron telephones Sgt. Blue with instructions and then he and Dr. Rex storm the communist hideout. Stalinov empties his gun into Rex while Byron helps Sue to escape. Not stopping, Rex removes his face mask, revealing he’s actually Sgt. Blue. NOTE: Narrated by Stalinov, we can assume he was merely captured. Obviously Dr. Jon Byron was in on the secret of Dr. Rex’s identity. An interesting story as it could easily set up Sgt. Blue as a recurring character and deserving of a return. https://pappysgoldenage.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2018-05-07T00:01:00-07:00&max-results=20&start=20&by-date=false |
Sergeant Spook: 1940, Blue Bolt #1 (Funnies, Inc). Slain police officer
continues to fight crime as a ghost. As a ghost, he still wears his policeman's uniform and strangely "Spook" was already his name when alive. For a little while, Spook was police chief of Ghost Town, made up of ghosts of history and good friends with Dr. Sherlock. Then he teamed up with a Jerry, a young psychic lad who could see him.Of interesting note, some of the non-War
years adventures were written by Mickey Spillane. |
Shaman: 1946, Golden Lad #5 (Spark). In Knickerbocker City, Don Wickett is a hard-nose
radio announcer for WWGL who decides to take his stance against crime and lawlessness a step further by putting on a costume and becoming the heroic Shaman. His secretary Kandy Wilson is his sidekick Flame (see her entry for image). Despite their colorful names, neither has any extraordinary powers. |
Tiger Shane: 1943, All-New Short Story Comics #1 (Harvey). This detective also fought the Nazi menace. |
Shangra: 1940, Crash Comics #1 (Tem Publishing). Reporters Joan Joyce and Jack Flynn are en-route to cover the Sino-Japanese War when entgine trouble forces them to land their plane in a hidden Tibetan land. There, they find Shangra. Shangra is centuries old, the seventh son of a seventh son and as such, he's got vast magical powers. |
Shark: 1939, Amazing-Man Comics #6 (Centaur). The Shark is a water-breathing hero; in issue #8 it is stated he's the offspring of a mermaid and Father Neptune. He has webbed hands and feet that help him swim and he's aided by his elderly but powerful Pops - Father Neptune. He gained the name the Shark because humans (air-breathers) see him most often in the company of man-eating sharks. However, he has as his home an underwater castle with many advanced inventions. In the water he has "the strength of ten whales" but out of it, just the strength of us mere mortals. When Neptune reveals himself to the Shark, he gives him a magic knife that will give him equal strength on land as in the water. It is not clear why he wears a mask as he has no secret identity to protect. Neptune is a hard one to figure out. He calls himself the Shark's father but he also says he is the father of all sea-folk, so could he be speaking metaphorically? And, is he the real Neptune? The Shark also has some hypnotic powers, able to command the sharks of the ocean (and apparently other sea creatures like a giant octopus) as well as mentally send out his image to remote locations that he is able spy on with his super-television set. In one story, he was able to transport himself invisibly out of a glass of water to telepathically influence a crook's thoughts. |
Sheena: 1937, Wags (British Tabloid)/1938, Jumbo Comics #1 (Fiction). Like many GA characters, Sheena has inconsistant origins. In the first, she was a child when her explorer father Cardwell Rivington is accidentally killed by Koba, a native witch doctor. To make amends, Koba raises Sheena as his own daughter and she grew to be a female-Tarzan and queen of the tribe. As her "Jane" she chose Bob Reynolds. Her back story would change to being the orphan of missionary parents, Bob would sometimes be called Rick Thorne and Koba into a witch woman named N'bid Ela. NOTE: In addition to having as one of her creators the legendary Will Eisner, she is also one of the contenders for the first female comic book superhero, IS the first female character to get her own book named after her and one of the few heroes to make a transition TO pulps (though only one issue). While DC would like you to think it's Wonder Woman, Sheena was one of the first and most influential female comic book characters, spawning a whole genre of imitators much as Superman and Mandrake. |
Captain Sheridan: 1940, Wings Comics #4 (Fiction House). Tim Cassidy is a pilot salesman trying to sell planes in Warsaw, Poland when it comes under attack. He tries to fight off the Germans but ends up shot down and captured. His face is ruined, almost skull-like. In payment for giving him a new face, he has to fight fake battles for the entertainment of the populace. However, during this time he learns all their tricks, skills, and weaknesses. He's informed that propaganda has spread that he has switched sides and allied with the Germans now. With the aide of a British agent, he tries to escape, but they are shot down and the agent is killed. With his own reputation ruined, he takes on the agent's identity, Captain Sheridan. Adding that he looks different now because of his face being damaged and repaired by enemy doctors (which naturally holds up under investigation). He is put in charge of training a squadron of young Spitfire pilots in the R.A.F. He's now such a skilled flier, he's also called "the killer", that his shooting down the enemy is seen almost as murder. This tends to put him in a brooding mood, and was even accused of cowardice at one point as he couldn't bring himself to kill an enemy pilot. Included in his squadron is the somewhat outspoken and belligerent Whitey Forbes and the ever-loyal Red Barton. He's called the "Spitfire Ace" in the first story. In issue #7, he's called "the Yankee Thunderbolt" and is up front being from the U.S. and is not referred to as Captain Sheridan anywhere in the story. However, he's back to status quo in the next issue, his last. The second story of him was re-used as Captain Blaze Steel though sloppily re-editing missed changing some of the names, probably due to the fact Cassidy is referred to by two different names depending on the whim of the writer. See below for Steel. |
Tom Sherrill: 1938, Jumbo Comics #1 (Fiction House). Sherrill is a scout
during the American Revolutionary War. |

Shock Gibson: 1939, Speed Comics #1 (Harvey). Stop me if you have heard this one before. A blonde haired scientist is working in his lab when a lightning bolt strikes the room, spilling chemicals all over him. He discovers that instead of dying, he's been super-charged and can run at great speeds. So, he designs a red and yellow costume with a lightning bolt emblem and ventures forth to fight crime as ... Shock Gibson! In scientist Charles Gibson's case, he gains other electric based powers as well such as strength, invulnerability, and later flying, generating electric bolts and great heat. During the early stories, Shock Gibson doesn't wear a mask and he's not really trying to hide his identity. In issue 12, he's recognized as the hero as he walks around in his civilian garb. Around the same time that he completely overhauls his costume, he gets a slightly different back story. He's Robert "Shock" Gibson, a wealthy scientist who discovers a way to give himself various electrical abilities and depending on the story, he has to recharge at times. At this point, his identity is secret. He gains sometimes sidekicks in the eskimo Ike and the elder scientist Dr. Bright who keeps a lab in Alaska. Shock pines for Bright's daughter Beautee.
For some reason, Shock chooses to use his real last name which no one catches onto, putting him into the similar category of Bob Phantom, Mary Marvel, and all those teen sidekicks ala Bucky, Sandy, Rusty, etc.. He started out wearing a helmet, giving him a decidedly goofy appearance. He must've eventually caught himself in a mirror because after several issues, he dropped the helmet. Guess he also found crimefighting sweaty work, because after awhile he also switched to a bare legs and t-shirt costume. Or maybe he was just trying to show up his compatriot Black Cat as to who had the best legs in the book.
Gibson is one of the few heroes who enlisted in the service once the War started and spent his time mostly in the South Pacific foiling various Japanese plots but went wherever the action was. And of course, no one still could figure out that the US soldier and super-hero who shared the same last name are the same person.
There are some neat things to recommend SPEED COMICS. One, around the middle of the run, you get some neato Simon & Kirby covers. Two, around the same time after Captain Freedom debuted, you started having covers showcasing the various stars of the book in action together with a behind the cover text story inside.
Shock stayed with Speed for its entire run, which ended in issue #44 in 1947, and in a couple of other Harvey titles here and there. But, 1948 was the end for him. His name appears as one of Dr. Weir's Vault heroes in AC's FEM FORCE but makes no appearance on panel. In 1995, the publisher Recollections (formed by one of the Harveys) tried to bring back some of the characters in ALFRED HARVEY'S BLACK CAT and Shock was one of them who got updated story. |
The Shroud: 1945, Mask Comics #2 (Rural/Enwil). A hooded and robed ghastly figure and teller of tales. |
Silver Knight: 1944, Complete Book of Comics and Funnies (Better). Sir
Blaine is an Arthurian knight with enchanted armor.Chosen by the Deathless Druid to guard Camelot and England. His white steed is Mordru the Magnificent. His girlfriend Tarna sometimes
wore the armor herself. Their main enemy was the dastardly named Black Barton. |
Silver Ranger: 1941, Silver Streak Comics #8 (Lev Gleason). The Silver Ranger and his horse Lucifer fought for justice in the Old West in various text stories in Silver Streak. |
Speed Silvers: 1940, Amazing Adventure Funnies #1 (Centaur). Speed is
a the driver/engineer of modern and powerful train who still manages to find time to get into trouble and have heroic adventures. He's assisted in this by his assistant Mike Muldoon. |

Silver Streak: 1940, Silver Streak Comics #3 (Lev Gleason). Hold on to your hats for this one. Silver Streak has one of the more odd-ball super-origins out there. A racing
enthusiast swami (!) is suspicious of drivers' deaths caused by giant insects. Don't know what roused his suspicions there. After
a man he hypnotized to race for him is killed, the swami resurrects him and
instructs him to track down the killer. Which he does, from behind the wheel of the car, the Silver Streak. Afterwards, due to a strange fluid in his blood, the driver now has the power of super
speed. He gains a kid partner in Mickey O'Toole
who needed a blood transfusion and is given blood by the Silver Streak. Mickey gains the hero's powers,
and becomes first Mercury and then the Meteor. A villain injects his pet falcon with blood from Silver Streak in hopes to create a super fast adversary. However, the falcon immediately switches sides and helps Silver Streak. Originally, the falcon was named Whiz, but in the last couple of issues, including a reprint of his origin, he was called Zoom. In the final issue, Zoom displayed human level intelligence and could talk. All were super-fast and could fly. There were quite a few variations in the costume, mostly color choices, though none of them had much silver in them. In at least one story, Silver Streak has a "gal pal" in pretty radio news broadcaster Kitty Doyle. |
Simba: 1940, Jungle Comics #1 (Fiction House). Simba is a lion in the African jungles. |
Strut Simmons: 1947, Exciting Comics #54 (Better). After his stellar Army Air Force career as a Mustang pilot in the European theater, he travels the US doing various odd jobs and getting embroiled in mysteries, danger and romance along the way. For some reason he’s blond in his second appearance. He has black hair in other appearances. |
Ras Singh: 1945, Green Hornet Comics #24 (Harvey). Ras Singh is a capable Hindu detective, his whole title is Chief of British-Indian Counter Espionage and is supposed to guard cadets Gary Blakely and Tubby Reynolds who are transporting secret documents wanted by the Japanese, specifically the Black Samurai. Of course Gary is really the Spirit of '76 which Ras Singh seems to deduce. He's also a good shot, capable fighter, good at picking locks and planning ahead. |
Scott Skip: 1944, Sparkling Stars #1 (Holyoke). Scott Skip is a U.S. Navy ace flier, pilot of a torpedo bomber.
The Skipper: 1940, Target Comics #1 (Novelty). The Skipper is an elderly scientist, patriot, and philanthropist. He has created a futuristic town called Boyville for "unwanted" boys. His number 1 man is "Captain" 2-R. Boyville is a futuristic and quasi militaristic city, but the Skipper is an almost pacifistic man. When America is attacked, he offers his inventions and services in the aid of defense, but defense only. One of his boys is a delinquent that he reforms called Pretty Boy, though he takes on the code-name M-4 and another Jerry Jenkins. |
Skull Squad: 1941, Wings Comics #1 (Fiction House). There are apparently two Skull Squads from Fiction House. One is a group of pilots captained by Chip Collins over in Fight Comics (See Chip Collins' entry). Then there's this group for Wings Comics who were a multi-national concern like the Blackhawks. These squad members are Sandy Macgregor (Scotland), Jimmy Jones (American), and Kent Douglas (British) flying a bomber with the Skull emblem for the R.A.F. The trio are rounded out by Canadian rear gunner Jack Bruce and Terry Ryan, radio operator. |
Sky Chief: 1941, Punch #1 (Harry "A" Chesler). He starts off as an agent for the FBI, called in for special aerial cases. He has a secret mountain retreat and operates as a lone agent. Then he becomes
Burton Strong, a professor of physics at Hall University. His assistant and secretary is Linda Hall, grand-daughter of the University's founder. At this point, the strip appears to take place in the near future. He's also helped and co-piloted by Ed McKail who helps maintain his private sky port and keep his ships ready. NOTE: The micro is taken from the cover image. However, on the insides, he's dressed more like Spy Smasher minus the cape, leading me to surmise that the cover image is really of a generic hero and not meant to be the Sky Chief. In some of the reprints, his outfit is colored red. |
Sky Girl: Jumbo Comics #68 (Fiction House). Sky Girl is merely a nickname, the name of the strip for one Ginger Maguire. Ginger has two goals, to find a husband and a career in aviation. She's hampered in both as she's not all that bright though attactive. She still manages to stumble through all sorts of aviation themed adventures in her eternal quests. |
Sky Hawk:: 1940, War Comics #1 (Dell). The Sky Hawk is midshipman Storm Allen, China born and raised where his father had been a doctor in an American Mission Hospital. He's aided by Midshipman Lucky Lane, a hot-headed Alabama boy, and midshipman Buzz Magee. The three start out in China fighting the Japanese and become known as “Hot Shots” of the U.S. Naval Air Force. They then get assigned to an aircraft carrier in the China seas once America is officially in the War because of their experience and daring. |
Sky Hawk (II): 1945, Witty Comics #1 (Irwin H. Rubin). Your standard heroic pilot. In this case he gets a little out of his element as he's captured and taken aboard a Nazi U-Boat. |
Sky Ranger: 1940, The Funnies #45 (Dell). Bruce is the Sky Ranger, a heroic pilot. He flies into adventures with his friends
Pug and Hap. |
Sky Shark: 1944, Captain Flight #1 (Four Star). Tex McGovern is the Sky Shark. He flies a corsair and was responsible for downing 23 Japanese Zeros in the Pacific Theater. His brother Buddy was killed late in the war as part of a landing force, a fact he takes personally. He's described as having gray eyes. |
Sky Wizard: 1940, Miracle Comics (Hillman). The Sky Wizard is a great scientist and inventor in addition to being in peak physical condition. He uses his fantastic inventions and knowledge as well as his brawn in combatting evil. He has a flying island where he lives, winged suits for his friends to use to fly, a formula that temporarily grants superhuman strength, a paralyzer ray gun, etc. His side-kick and bodyguard is the Middle-Eastern Kee-Shan or Keeshan. |
Sky Wolf (I): 1940, Silver Streak Comics #4 (Lev Gleason). Not sure where this info came from as I don't see any personal info concerning this hero in his three stories. A brilliant
commercial pilot, Paul Storm was in Poland when it was invaded by the Germans.
In a blitzkrieg raid led by Baron Kraft he lost his wife and unborn child. Vowing
vengeance he donned a mask, stepped into a specially constructed plane, and
became the Sky Wolf. His solo activities across Europe had him battling foes
such as the Flying Dragon. His last appearance was in Silver Streak #6. |
Sky Wolf (II): 1941, Air Fighters Comics #2 (Hillman). Larry Wolfe is
the Sky Wolf, and leads a group of pilots against the Germans: the Turtle, a brave Pole whose tongue was removed by the Germans, and communicates with the others by tapping Morse
Code with his head; the Judge, a British flier rejected by the RAF because
he's too old but still an ace pilot; Cocky Roche, the quick witted cockney. In addition to being top pilots, they also flew two special planes that could separate into a total of four planes when the situation demanded. |
Skyman: 1940, Big Shot Comics #1 (Columbia). When a kid, Allan Turner's
parents are killed in an airplane accident. Turner devotes his life to the science
of flying to make it safe for everyone as well as devoting himself to grow up a physical and mental marvel. Wears a patriotic outfit and is a gadgeteer
of the first order. His plane is of the flying wing design but is powered by
the magnetic Poles and can achieve speeds of 800 mph as well as hover. |
The Skyrocket: 1940, Bill Barnes Comics #1 (Street & Smith). Ted Barry is a double-threat, both an ace pilot and an ace investigator for the Department of Justice to the point he becomes known as "The Skyrocket". |
"Skyrocket" Steele: 1938, Amazing Mystery Funnies v1 n2 (Centaur). "Skyrocket" Steele is a hero in the year "X" ("about 2500 A.D.") who, with his friends Sari Marston and the invisible man "Invex", aid King Kurt against the evils of Vance Roy. NOTE: He's
actually on the cover of #1 but his first story is in 2. |
Sleepy Samson: 1941, Key Ring Comics #1a (Dell). At the moment, I know nothing else about this character. |
Ed Smith: 1942, C-M-O Comics #1 (Centuar).
Ed Smith is the son of a farmer and wants to raise prize cattle. When he helps local farmer Jones keeping a bull from running amok, he is given a calf for payment. He also meets Jones' daughter Mildred who wants to raise chickens. Both join the 4-H in order to get scholarships to an agriculture school. At the State Fair, Mildred wins with her rooster and Ed gets second with the calf, earning both scholarships to State College. Although, in the second issue, Ed instead enlists with the Air Corps, proving to be an able athlete and leader. As with the other strips in the first issue of this book, while this one is more prosaic and a propoganda piece for 4-H, it too advertises clothes and accessories. |
Sky Smith: 1940, Super-Mystery Comics v1 #1 (Ace). Sky is an ace pilot. He has his own plane and hangar as well as hiring himself out to test other planes. Naturally, he gets into all sorts of adventures |
"Snapper" Smith: 1940, Whirlwind Comics #2 (Nita). Snapper is an ace photographer for The Morning Blade newspaper. |
Suicide Smith: 1941, Wings Comics #1 (Fiction House). Smith is a fighter pilot who starts off leading a team known as the
Air Commandos. He eventually separates from the Air Commandos, but still takes on the foes of America, assisted by kid sidekick Chuck Hardy, and female spy Hinda (for more on Hinda, see the villainous Baron Zborov). |
Timothy Smith: 1941, Green Mask #.7 (Fox). Timothy Smith is a poor shoe-shine boy bedeviled by bully Andy Black. One day, he wishes to escape reality to the land of magic that he read about in a comic and his wish comes true! He soon meets up with a gnomish fella by the name of Gummige and obtains a magic sword and a magic umbrella called a "swella umbrella". Of course his adversary Black gets drawn in as well. Being a young boy, he rescues the Princess but opts for the reward of jelly beans over her hand in marriage. |
Snowman: 1944, Tally-Ho Comics #1 (Swapper's Quarterly/Baily Publications). Snowman is normally an idol of a protector that looks over a tribe of Eskimo natives in the Arctic North. He has the look of a snowman/iceman with a blue baseball cap, buttons and boots, smoking a pipe and armed with a hatchet. When the villainous Fang is deposited on their shores and attacks the natives, they pray to the "mighty one" to protect them and Snowman comes to life. |
Solar: 1941, Captain Aero #1 (Holyoke). "Solar, Master of Magic" has
a diamond from King Solomon's Mines and a "cape of mystery". The diamond gives him incredible magic powers and the cape the power of invisibility. Thus armed, he fights crime and Nazi plots with the additional aid of Lisa Andrews. Appearance
wise, Solar is like Marvo and many other golden age magicians: dark hair, pencil
thin mustache and decked out in a suit. Surely a coincidence. |
Solar Legion: 1940, Crash Comics #1 (Tem Publishing). In the year 2140, man reaches the stars and crime follows, the spaceways constantly menaced by space-pirates. Adam Starr fights the pirates and forms the Solar Legion to impose law and order. |
Solarman: 1940 Wham 2 (Centaur). This hero's story begins with Saturn. An advanced civilization of human like beings live there in peace, war and crime are uknown. Their greatest scientist is the dwarfish and pointy eared Quino who has observatories and a lab in the mountains. Observing conditions on Earth, he uses a "magno-ray" to send the heroic Solarman to Earth, a trip that takes about four and a half minutes. Solarman possesses great physical strength but not necessarily super-human. Solarman was created by Frank Thomas who worked on several strips for Centaur including the bizarre Eye. The hero in action. |
Son of Aztlan: 1940, Fantastic Comics #13 (Fox). The Son of Aztlan is a demi-god, son of the Aztec god Aztlan. Taking wood and spreading needles of the Judas tree, he can call forth fire and summon his father for advice (although his father would prefer his son solve his own problems). Spreading the ashes on his body seem to grant him great mystical powers such as flight and super-speed flight, inflating his body to immense size. He can fire mystical arrows that can pierce and destroy ghost objects, as well as call forth mystical rains that can chill spirits and "the braves of Aztlan", warriors with stone age weapons but able to hurt spirits. It's a little unsure how much of his power comes from the ashes and not. He's in top physical shape, has keen eye-sight and it seems that he starts the fire through magic. Note: In Aztec lore, Aztlan is not a god but the ancient ancestral home of the people that would be known as Aztecs. Son of Aztlan appeared in a text story. |
The Sorcerer and his Apprentice: 1945,
Red Band Comics #1 (Enwil). The Magus or Sorcerer is a powerful magician in 1500s Venice. He takes on a young lad named Joe Djerk as an apprentice. When the Sorcerer refuses to provide Borgia, a rufian, with the power of invisibility they try to kill him and his Apprentice. They fail due to his own cleverness and the fortuitous misfortunes of his Apprentice. NOTE: A more literate story than most. There's the obvious link to the Goethe poem, the story that most people know from the Disney cartoon and several scenes reflect the poem. Plus in addition to a very detailed and classical illustrative style, while casting a spell, the Sorcerer calls on the powers of Cthulu and Melek Tuwas. Cthulu is from the works of H.P. Lovecraft while Melek Tuwas is the head angel in the Yazidis faith (and identified as being Satan or Shaytan by some Christians and Muslims). The Apprentice's real name is revealed in the pages of another strip, Captain Milksop. |
South Sea Girl: 1947, Seven Seas Comics #1 (Leader Enterprises/Universal Phoenix Features). “Above a volcano floor, shrouded by whispering mists and hemmed in with deep waters treacherously studded by reefs, lies the Vanishing Isles... where the pounding surf sweeps adventure against the lush shores, demanding a challenge from the young beautiful ruler and protector, Alani... known simply as the South Sea Girl.” She is described as being a native though her coloring is caucasian. She sometimes travels with Cheeta, her pet cheetah and has the habit of sometimes talking about herself in the third person. Drawn by Matt Baker. |
Space Ace: 1947, Manhunt #1 (Magazine Enterprises). Jet Black is Space Ace, a patrolman of The Space Patrol of the future, keeping the space ways safe for travelers and explorers. Jak Tal is his plucky kid sidekick. |
Space Detective: See Avenger |
Space Rovers: 1940, Exciting Comics #2 (Standard). Ted Hunt and Jane Martin (no relation to the war nurse of the same name for Fiction House) rocket through the cosmos in search of adventure. In addition to ray guns and a space ship, the pair also have rocket belts that allow them to fly. |
Space Smith: Fantastic Comics #1 (Fox). Space Smith and his gal Diana are explorers and adventurers of outer space in some unknown year. |
Spacehawk: Target Comics #5 (Funnies, Inc). Spacehawk is a Neptunian who fights menaces across outer space as well as helping out America in the days of WWII.
Queen Haba of Noom on Neptune is hopelessly in love with him. He has a variety of powers: telepathy,
invulnerability, and flight. However, it is unclear how much of his power is natural and which comes from his equipment
such as his anti-grav belt. |
Spade of the Secret Service: 1941, Victory Comics #1 (Centaur). Spade
is an ultra-secret Secret Service agent. His identity is unknown, he reports directly to the President. He is clever and a master of disguise. In true pulp hero fashion, he leaves behind a symbol when he's done with a case, an ace of spades playing card. In one adventure he even impersonates Hitler. His most frequent foe is the beautiful Queen of Hearts, a spy for the other side that he eventually captures. |
Spark Man: 1941, Sparkler Comics #1 (United Features). Spark Man is a bit unique in the realms of mystery men. First, his name is Omar Kavak, decidedly ethnic. Second, his career as a classical violinist is not one that would naturally lend itself to one moonlighting as a costumed hero. Especially as his powers and adventures have nothing to do with that background. Instead he finds a way to shock enemies into submission through a pair of special gloves. |
Super Spy Comics #1 (Centaur). Red Morgan's scientist father
creates a metallic suit that when charged by a box on a belt it
makes the wearer invisible (it comes with a hood thus covering his whole body when he chooses to be invisible). When re-appearing, sparks of light dance
about the body. Thus when Red dons the suit to avenge the death
of his father and fight crime, he takes on the name the Sparkler! In his next adventure, the suit is all blue. |
Spectro: 1944, Wonder Comics #1 (Better). Bob Morgan has telepathic ability. He uses this to solve crimes. His only concession to wearing a superhero costume is a star and planet spangled cape. |
Speed Centaur: 1939, Amazing Mystery Funnies #12 (Centaur). Speed Centaur
is the sole survivor of a race of centaurs that lived in the Arctic after an earthquake destroys their civilization. Speed is discovered by ace reporter "Reel" McCoy of the Daily Views who brings him to America. Speed is strong, fast and able to fly (the last not being one you'd naturally expect from a centaur) and he puts those talents to use fighting evil. |
Sphinx: 1940, Exciting Comics (Standard). Ellsworth Forrester
is the hero the Sphinx. As he receives orders and cases, he's apparently
an authorized masked man which is good as he's not overwrought if
he sends crooks to their deaths in battle. His butler, Tom is aware
of his dual identity. The Sphinx possesses incredible, possibly
superhuman strength. |
Spider Queen: 1941, Eagle Comics 2-4 (Fox). Years before Peter Parker
was born, a young government chemist by the name of Dr. Harry Kane creates a
spider web fluid. However, it's his formula and tests for a new steel that catch
the eyes of enemy agents who shoot him and make off with the plans. Hearing
the shots, his wife and assistant Shannon Kane finds him dying. After the funeral,
going through his records, she comes across the web formula. She discovers it
sticks like glue but is strong enough to swing on. She devises a set of bracelets
to contain and release the fluid and begins her career. Her costume is a blue
top, red skirt and mask, yellow boots and cape. She was one of the heroes turned
villains used by Roy Thomas in his Invaders mini-series albeit with a slightly
different costume. |
Spider Woman: 1944, Major Victory (Harry "A" Chesler). Since the death of her father, Dr. Goddard, Helen
lives the life of a recluse in his cabin in the Ozarks. The remote location seems perfect as a hideout to a gang of criminals but they are instead captured by Helen who puts on a fantastic costume to frighten the crooks: green, yellow and red tights, purple robe with a giant insect head hood. As this is her only appearance, it is presumed she went back to her reclusive life after they were carted away. |
Spirit Man: 1939, Silver Streak Comics #1 (Lev Gleason). Spirit Malcolm
and his assistant Ray Williams monitor the world from a secret base outfitted with super-technology. Their technology includes the Futurscope which they use to watch for trouble anywhere on Earth, the Mistodine ray which sends Malcolm's
spirit to any location on which the Futurscope is focused, and a Rayodine
gun, a generic raygun. |
Spirit of '76: 1941, Pocket Comics #1 (Harvey). In his origin story, Gary Blakely is the latest in a long line of patriotic Americans, his ancestor serving with General Washington. Educated abroad, he excels in his studies as well as various sports like boxing, fencing, rowing and rugby. Convinced of Hitler wanting to take over the world he tries to become an Air Cadet but his application is blocked by his family who want him to instead be regular army and enroll in West Point which he does. Coming across a group of fifth columnists, he puts on his great, great grandfather's uniform and a mask as a costume and captures them as the Spirit of '76. In his second outing, he had to go up against no less than Satan, master of all evil. Fellow cadet Tubby Reynolds figures out his secret and serves as capable sidekick.Tubby's sister Susan, a WAC lieutenant serves as love interest. In Green Hornet #35, he helps out Tommy Downes, a newsboy kid who's framed for murder by the crook Dapper Duke using Downes run-ins with a kid gang called The Society of the Black Skull, lead by kid Kip Roland. While Blakely reconciles Tommy with the gang, his civilian identity gets in trouble for being AWOL and is threatened with expulsion. Tubby tells the kids Gary's identity and they vouch for him, giving him an alibi and form a new gang, The Spirit of '76 Boys Club. Chubby kid of the club has a father who's a uniform cop. NOTE: An interesting note, the early stories are supposedly written by "Major Ralston" the name of Blakely's ancestors. In later years the character was wonderfully rendered by Bob Powell. Other sources list him having a bulletproof costume but this is absent from the stories I've read. The idea of the bulletproof costume was "borrowed" by Roy Thomas when he created his own character Spirit of '76, though the look was based on the Fighting Yank, another GA hero who got powers through his cloak. It's possible that reports confuse the two Spirits of '76. See Fighting Yank, Captain Fearless, and Citizen Smith for other heroes carrying on a family legacy of patriotism. |
Spitfire: 1941, Spitfire Comics #1 (John F. Mahon). In 1741, Black Douglas is captain of an English sailing ship full of adventurers bound for the New World when they run across pirates.They fight but are outnumbered. Douglas' surviving men decide to join the pirates and he is set asea in a lifeboat which he lands upon a deserted island. He drinks of water with a peculiar taste and then explores the island. All he finds is a strange ground where some bubbling mud lets out a strange gas. He doesn't realize he's found the spring of eternal life and falls asleep and wakes
up two centuries later only when an earthquake seals off the fumes. He, his clothes and the boat are preserved by the strange gas. He leaves the island in the lifeboat and is picked up by Naztis (sic) and realizes how much time has passed. Once he realizes their evil, he fights them and discovers As inexplicable as his long sleep he discovers he now has the ability to breathe flame as well as
a poison gas and fog. He adapts to the 20th century and uses his newfound abilities to fight the Naztis. |
Spitfire Ace: see "Captain Sheridan" above. |
Spitfire Sanders: 1944, Spitfire
Comics #132 (Elliott). Spitfire Sanders is a beautiful female agent for US Intelligence and fights the Nazis, specifically the Whip. NOTE: There are two different comics that were published with the title of Spitfire, both featuring a character with that name. Either one is possible as being inspiration for the Roy Thomas character. |
Spook Hunters: 1944, All Top Comics #nn (Fox). By day the Spook Hunters are Dr. Hugo Bart, professor of English Lit. at a well known college, and the athletic Peter Storm, one of his prize pupils. By the time of this story, they've already had numerous weird adventures and are known as the Spook Hunters or Ghost Hunters. In this case they investigate a house supposedly haunted by the scientist who used to live there but proved the spooks to be simply hallucianations brought on by a leaking cannister of experimental gas. NOTE: While a student refers to them as the "Ghost Hunters" which is what they are under at the GCD, the caption boxes refer to them several times as the "Spook Hunters" so that's what's being chosen as their "official" name. |
Spy Chief/Spy Master: See "The Cloak". |
Spy Hunters: 1940, Keen Detective Funnies #19 (Centaur). Captain Forsyth and Sgt. McLean are stationed in India where they track down spies and other troublemakers. Forsyth is one of those dapper types with a thin mustache and often smoking his pipe. |
Dick Star: 1941, Bang-Up #1 (Progressive). Dick Star is a Federal Investigator. He's helped out by the burly, loyal and tough Pinky Dink. |
Star Pirate: 1940, Planet Comics #12 (Fiction House). Star is the "Robin Hood of the Spaceways." With his gal Trody (short for Trodelyte) he roams outerspace fighting interstellar injustice. In later issues, he pals around with the bulkish rogue Blackie who's really just in it for adventure and the money. Star Pirate also has some rocket boots that enable him to fly |
Star Rover: 1940, Doc Savage Comics #1 (Street and Smith). In some unspecified future, Ray Darrow is
the Star Rover, a roaming adventurer |
Stardust: December 1939, Fantastic Comics #1 (Fox). Despite being billed as "the Super Wizard," Stardust didn't have magical powers. He was a wizard in the sense that through his super-science, he could do almost anything from flying through space unaided like a comet to a variety of rays that can make things big or small, levitate items, turn invisible, etc. Then he has the gadgets such as crime detectors that alert him to evil and crime and his costume that provides protection against a variety of destructive forces. Stardust maintains a base on a private star and fights various outer space menaces but also holds a fondness for America and is quick to defend her against crime and Fifth Columnists. Stardust himself seemed to vary in size, a huge man with arms like tree-trunks and a bull neck and is very formidable in a fight even minus his powers.
But, despite all of these powers, Stardust wasn't seen after 1941, his last adventure recorded in FANTASTIC COMICS # 16, never gracing the cover.
NOTE: Stardust was the brainchild of Fletcher Hanks, one of the oddest artists of the Golden-Age, ranking up there with Basil Wolverton (Space Hawk, Powerhouse Pepper) and Harry G. Peters (Wonder Woman, Man O'Metal). His style seemed to be a combination of primitivism, art-deco, and some kind of bad acid trip. The stories were outlandish with all sorts of bizarre punishments inflicted on the guilty anticipating the 70s Spectre stories by several decades. Hanks himself seems to have been a low-life, an alcoholic and child and wife abuser if a recent book is telling the truth, the kind of person deserving the kind of divine retribution that Stardust regularly dished out. He worked under a several pseudonyms, but his distinctive style always stands out. And, he created Fantomah, one of the big contenders for the first woman superhero and is every bit as unique as Stardust.
A variety of Stardust's adventures can be found at: http://www.themysterywalk.com/Stardust-Character-Page.html |
Branner: 1942, C-M-O Comics #1 (Centaur). C-M-O stands for Chicago
Mail Order Co. Ray Branner is "Star-Spangles" Branner, "an
ordinary small town boy, he valiantly slashes at the alien forces
trying to cripple our country from within... with the aid of his
assistants 'Dixie' and 'Candy' Kane equipped only with native courage
and a bag of tricks, he daringly battles the enemies of armed forces!"
Despite their names, Dixie and Candy are both lads, the three team
up, frustrated from not being able to help officially due to their
youth. In addition to fighting enemy agents, they serve as messengers for the local Civilian Defense Corps. |
Stark: 1941,Target Comics v7 #3 (69) (Novelty). A youthful adventurer
that travels all around getting into all sorts of trouble. Aided
by the adult Bob Carter among others. |
Spence Stark: 1944, Captain Flight #3 (Four Star).Badge #287, Spence is the ace detective of the police force. He's also married with a newborn boy who gets kidnapped in order to block him from testifying. His wife stands by him and he catches the crooks and rescues his son. And, the way the baby plays with the badge, mom fears he'll grow up to be a cop like his dad. Note: Taken from Fight Comics #7 where the character's name is Spencer Steel |
Ted Starr: Popular Comics. Starr is a G-Man racket buster, also known as K-7 to the chief of the FBI. He's aided by tough Irishman by the name of Rocky. He goes undercover as Duke Davis to smash the gang lead by the dapper "Mr. X" aka French Simon, owner of the Roundhouse Club. |
Stars & Stripes: 1941, Stars and Stripes #4 (Centaur). Three men in an aggressor nation are arrested on trumped up charges: newspaper correspondent Patrick "Pepper" J. O'Henry, diplomat secretary Benjamin Franklin "Whitey" Allen, and tourist Vance "Van" Stuyvesant III. Sent to a concentration camp, they escape and form a team called the Stars and Stripes, swearing an oath in their own blood that they will protect America against all spies and threats. To this end, they wear matching khaki costumes with a patriotic motif and operate out of a secret headquarters beneath Van's summer home. |
Captain Blaze Steel: 1945, Crown Comics #1 (McCombs). Captain Steel has made such a record with the Army Air Force that he's loaned to the R.A.F. to train new fliers. However, because of his deadly record the recruits view him as being merciless and cold-blooded. To the point, he finds it impossible to shoot down yet another plane, and suddenly the charges are of him turning yellow. On a forced furlough, he's wandering through London when a bombing raid happens. Seeing the destruction and the people banning together, renews his commitment. He returns, able to motivate and lead his men to battle the German bombers and fighter pilots. His men that are named are Lt. Whitey Forbes, an envious malcontent who eventually comes around; and the faithful Red Barton. NOTE: At one point, Steel is called “Tim” and another “Captain Sheridan”. This is because the story comes from Wings Comics #5 (Fiction House) and a character called Tim Cassidy who is making use of the identity of Captain Sheridan, a man who died helping Cassidy escape from the Nazis. See "Captain Sheridan" above for more info. |
Steel: 1938, Jumbo Comics #1 (Fiction). He
is the ace detective of the police force. He's also married and after several adventures, with a newborn boy who gets kidnapped in order to block him from testifying. His wife stands by him and he catches the crooks and rescues his son. And, the way the baby plays with the badge, mom fears he'll grow up to be a cop like his dad. In addition to his wife Nora, the cast is rounded out by Jackson (apparently the police chief though Steel just calls him by his last name), Detective Mike McMurphy (wearing bowler hat and chomping a cigar), and the reporter Doakes |
Steel Fist: 1944, Blue Circle Comics #1 (Rural Home Publishing). As related in the first issue Timothy Slade is a patriot and works in an industrial plant during the war. Working an evening shift, some saboteurs kill his co-worker Nick and when Tim tries to stop them, they shove his hand into a vat of molten steel. While the doctors prepare to amputate, he is visited in a feverish dream by a mystical female embodiment of Justice who erases the pain and is presumably the cause that his steel covered hand is now fully functional. Now, when he sees threats to America, he dons a costume and becomes the Steel Fist and his first job was capturing the saboteurs responsible for his condition and Nick's death. He has no overt powers other than the steel fist. Though in one story, the artist goes through great pains to show that most of the time, Tim keeps his right hand hidden in his pockets, yet there are still times it's viewable to the readers and it seems a normal hand unless needed not to be. Maybe, he is able to switch it back and forth at will? |
Steel Shark: 1941, Victory Comics #1 (Centaur). Lieutenant Commander
Bob Steel is commander of the submarine R-14 and their reputation is such that the ship is nicknamed the "Steel Shark". Interesting that he's named "Commander Steel", the same name as a golden-age Canadian super hero and was used as a rename for the 1970s DC Comics hero Steel by Roy Thomas. |
Bob Steele: 1937, Funny Picture Stories #6 (Comics Magazine Company/Centaur). Bob Steele is a MD but also a skilled engineer as he's designed a "stratosphere" ship that he's anxious to try out. When a deadly plague strikes Earth, he decides to travel to the planet Satoon to get plants that will aide in mass producing a cure. He's joined by his girlfriend Gail and the two run afoul of the local tyrant there. Their love may have been short-lived for the following issue: "Bob Steele, MD, is informed by his friend, Dr. Towne, of the discovery of a new planet. Preparing his stratoship, which has already been proven a success, Bob starts and finds the new sphere. On one of his explorations, he is taken prisoner by the inhabitants, dressed in the native garb and brought before the ruler, Arula ---” Arula distrusts Bob's assertions that he is on a peaceful, exploratory mission as all their enemies come from space. The worst are the Valkyrmen, winged flesh-eater bird men. Their land floats in the air, allowing them to attack Arula's people at will. He decides instead of spending his life in prison to aide Arula using superior technology and bombs which comes in real handy when the attractive Princess Arata is kidnapped. He wrecks the floating city, rescues the Princess and hopes this will convince the king to let him return to Earth, with the princess whom he professes to love (this is the first time he has met her, nor does she seem especially overjoyed at the prospect but she says the king will allow it). Actually, having read the preceding issue, the last panel could be read differently, he talks of "returning to Earth, and the one I love" which could mean Gail, who is otherwise not mentioned in this issue. The princess' hesitancy then could be attributed to her falling for Bob and not wishing him to return but the king won't prevent it. NOTE: By George Bremmer, creator of the Clock and similar pulp inspired heroes, this Flash Gordon style strip is something different from him.
Navy Bob Steele: 1941, The Funnies (Dell). Lieut. Robert Steele, known as Navy Bob Steele since his football days at the Naval Academy serves with Captain Frank Vernon of the U.S.S. Alaska; Tommy Andrews, Gunner's Mate, First Class and from Steele's hometown and high school; "Red" Malone, Seaman First Class and pal of Tommy, and Lieut. Bill Sheridan, classmate and team-mate of Navy Bob. His girlfriend is Doris Allen.
Buck Steele: 1940, Sure Fire Comics #1 (Ace). Buck is the "Robin Hood of the Range". Guess that makes his horse Blackie and dog Rusty his Merry Men? |
Steele: 1941, Yankee Comics #1 (Dynamic Publications/Chesler).
Steele is the gung-ho leader of the crackshot Hell Cat Patrol of
the US Marines. |
Spark Stevens: 1939, Wonderworld # 3 (Fox). Spark and his pal Chuck are wireless operators on the U.S.S. Dragon and fight villains like the Scourge. |
Craig Stewart: 1940, Amazing Mystery Funnies #17 or v3 #1 (Centaur).
Doctor Vernon invents a sleek super-plane, the Bullet and has the capable adventurer Craig Stewart test it out. Stewart's aide is his Hindu valet Khan. |
Sledge Storm: 1945, Crown Comics #1 (McCombs). In the land of eskimos and polar bears, FBI agent Sledge Storm operates and foils enemy plots. |
"Swoop" Storm: 1942, Boy Comics #3 (Lev Gleason). Swoop is billed as being America's youngest aviator, doing his part for the war effort. Swoop has studied airplanes but never been in one. He spends what little money he has to be taken up for a joy-ride, only the pilot suffers a heart-attack. He takes over and lands the plane, gaining national attention as a hero and gets a pilot's license despite his young age. He also has a thousand dollars as a reward that he puts towards building his own plane. Chubby Winky/Winkie is his best friend. |
Strand: 1939, Amazing Mystery Funnies v2 #7 (Centaur). Homer
Carlin on his deathbed gives his neice Diana and her boyfriend Jack
Strand a pin with a gem that contains a ray. They are to guard it
from a villain called Psyk, but at the same time it will protect
them from him. With the gem Psyk can ruin the world. When Psyk gets
Diana in his thrall and brings her to his "Realm of the Subconscious"
Jack uses the gem to track her and also travel from this world to
that one to rescue her and to stop Psyk. Eventually, they put an end to Psyk and the Realm of the Subconscious. They plan to get married and lead a quiet life in a cottage somewhere, little dreaming of new threats coming their way. On behalf of a scientist they travel underseas and have adventures in the kingdom of Milo the coral city. Note: See Detecto for another Jack Strand. |
Stratosphere Jim: 1940, Crackajack Comics #19 (Dell). By Alden McWilliams.
After designing a small super-fast high flying plane, Jim Baxter sets about
building the largest flying fortress ever and uses it to travel all over the
world having adventures. |
Lank Strong: 1944, Sparkling Stars #1 (Holyoke). Lank Strong is an ace pilot of the squad called Hell's Angels. As the Hell's Angels, they flew first with the Flying Tigers in China and then when America got involved in the War with the U.S. Air Force. After the War, he and other former members Clem West and Gil Little head to the American West and operate the T-Bone Ranch and Airfield where Lank becomes a special operative for the government and Gil a sheriff in order to fight against criminals. |
Ted Strong: 1935, Ted Strong Sunday (The George Matthew Adams Service Inc) 1938, The Comics (Dell). In the modern West, Ted Strong and posse are after Dorgan's gang of cattle rustlers that raided their ranch. He's in love with Josie.
Strong of the Secret Service: 1940, Doc Savage Comics #1 (Street and
Smith). Lee Strong is a top Secret Service agent. |
Sgt. Strong:1945,
Red Band Comics #1 (Enwil).Sgt. Strong is gung-ho and tough U.S. Marine. His bud is Angel (whose real name appears to be Wally). |
Strongman: 1940, Crash Comics #1 (Tem Publishing). Playboy Percy van Norton becomes a superman via spending years following a "secret book of yogi". He has super strength, stamina, some invulnerability, and a keen intellect. He pretends to be timid soul until the situation demands that he sheds his Clark Kent-ish persona to become Strongman. |
Don Stuart: 1941, Rangers of Freedom #1 (Fiction House). Don Stuart along with Chinese brothers Hi and Lo Sing are in China as the Far East Rangers. Receive missions and orders from Don's father Dr. Stuart. |
Stuntman: 1946, Stuntman Comics #1 (Harvey). By Simon & Kirby. When two of the Flying Apollos are murdered, the third member, Fred
Drake, decides to do a little sleuthing of his own, adopting a costume for the purpose. Because of a startling resemblance to the actor Don Daring, he's hired to be his stunt double. Discovering a knack for solving crimes, he continues on as Stuntman, with the aide of actress Sandra Sylvan and despite the would-be aid of Don Daring, who is really a flop in such things other than relying on his handsome looks. |
Sub Saunders: 1939, Fantastic Comics #1 (Fox). In the far future year of 10,000, Sub Saunders is a submarine man of the US Submarine Forces. He also has discovered a way to breathe underwater and helps out the lovely Queen Lantida and Atlanteans. |
Sub-Zero Man: 1940, Blue Bolt #1 (Novelty). Sub-Zero Man is the sole survivor of a space-ship crew of Venusians that had to crash-land near Salt Lake City after a mishap with a frozen asteroid freezes them and their ship. Encased in ice, he manages to find a group of scientists who thaw him out using gamma radiation. He discovers that everything he touches freezes solid but when he saves the city from a flood, the citizens trust him. Once he learns to control his powers, he opens a detective agency, becomes a crimefighter and gains an Inuit lad as a sidekick called Freezum. Sub-Zero is pictured here in his frozen and non-frozen states. |
Dr. Sung: 1940, Jumbo Comics #14 (Fiction). Dr. Sung Sin is an aged Chinese man, one with a seemingly dark past. He comes to America and captures a slick drug dealer named Anderson Case whom he knew back in China as Silk Saunders of Shanghai. He chains Case up in a danger and starves him until he's willing to sign a confession. This brings Sung into some conflict with Inspector Dayton who is also after Case. The two discuss the relative merits of Sung's methods. Sung convinces Dayton that despite his seeming past, he dealt in drugs in order to confiscate and destroy them, to rid his country of opium and he's only interested in justice. |
Super American: 1941, Fight Comics #15 (Fiction House). In the 23rd century, everyone has superpowers. Super American is one such who answers the call to come back through time to WWII to lend his powers to the cause of democracy and help make his present a reality. He's got GA Superman levels of strength, flight, and invulnerability. |
1941, Amazing-Man Comics #24 (Centaur). When a toddler, Ann Star and her mother lived in Alaska and she ventured outside just as a blizzard struck. She managed to find a cave in which lived an old man who had lived for centuries but never ventured outside as sunlight was poisonous to him. While the blizzard raged, he taught Ann other-worldly secrets and she gained super-strength but possibly not bulletproof. When the storm was over two days later, he took Ann home and then went back to the cave to presumably die (don't know why he just didn't take her home at night). Ann and her mother left Alaska for the contingent States where she grew up with her powers. She was secretly aided
in her cases by Mighty Man (not sure why). Mighty Man supposes the old man to possibly have been from space. |
Ann II: 1942, C-M-O Comics #1 (Centaur). This Super Ann is Ann
Allen, a Nancy Drew type of young woman who goes around and solving
crimes and mysteries. She is helped by her two friends "Freckles"
Doyle and Susan and by Foxey, a fox terrier. Like other strips of the book, the strips served as advertising clothing. |
Super Duper: 1942, Star-Spangled Comics #7 (DC)? Super Duper was your average teen-ager except for when he drank Canada Dry Ginger Ale, from which he could grow to giant size. At least one of his foils was Bonecrusher, a large classmate who liked to pick on others. NOTE: Although the DC comic is his first and only appearance I've found so far, the fact that he's an advertisement hero and not of the publishing company itself, I put him in this general section of GA heroes. |
The Super-Sleuths: 1944, Wonder Comics #2 (Better). Stan and Sam McGillicuddy are detectives of the Neversleep Detective agency. Stan is the brains, a cool head and good shot while Sam is the strong scrapper. |
Spy: 1940, Super Spy Comics #1 (Centaur). 57-8R is such a good
agent and detective, he's also called the Super Spy. Or maybe that's
just hyperbole on the title of the strip's part. Judging from the
one story I've read, he's a British secret agent. |
Supermind and Son: 1941, Popular Comics #60 (Dell). Professor
Warren is Supermind. In his lab secreted on top of a mountain,
he developed a Televisioscope with which he can watch the world
and a process that temporarily fills his son Dan with incredible
energies. While his body remains super charged, Dan has super
strength, can fly and run at great speeds, is surrouned by a nigh
impenetrable electrical field which he can also use to burn through
solid metal. They can also communicate telepathically |
Supersnipe: 1942, Shadow Comics #15/vol 2 #3 (Street & Smith). Koppy McFad is "the boy with the most comic books in America" who dreams of being a hero like the characters in his book. In addition to his daydreams as being the "Man of 1953", he'd put on a cape and red long-johns to fight petty crimes in his neighbrohood.
Swift: 1940, Weird Comics #1 (Fox). Standard space hero. For
discovering and putting an end to Victor and his invisible planet
along with an invisible army, he gets promoted to Captain and is
made Commander of the new outpost, now visible in the skies. He
also gets a beautiful assistant and girlfriend, Nadine, who knew
the secrets of the planet and thus Victor had her kept prisoner.
Text story. |
Pepper Swift: 1941, Exciting Comics #21 (Standard). Pepper is a freckled teen along with his adult guardian and pal Buzz Ward travel the world on archaeological digs. |
1945, Golden Lad #1 (Spark). Editor Jon Dart puts on a costume and
wields a crossbow to fight crime. |
1942, Captain Courageous Comics #6 (Ace). Arthur Lake is in England
on a trip with his father when he discovers King Arthur's sword,
Excalibur. When he pulls out Excalibur he gets the strength of "many times ten".
He is partnered with Lance Larter, who gains similar superpowers
and becomes The Lancer (in Super-Mystery Comics v3 #3). Lance's father had been killed through sabotage by Morgana and her minions. Lance is captured and doped into carrying out her orders. When the Sword is captured, she and her men try to draw his sword but cannot. Still under her influence, the lad also tries only when he does so, it restores the unconscious Sword and the boy is transformed likewise into a mid-teen to adult hero armed with a lance. The two start off as being lads who transform into super-versions of themselves, though it appears that the Sword is an adult while the Lancer stays a teen. During this time Lance's age is stated at least once as being 12. However, in some later stories, the duo appear to be at least late teens at the youngest if not in their twenties and their heroic selves full adults. Hard to tell with the art, whether that's intentional or not. Moe Lyn, a worker in his father's plant, would also turn into a version of Merlin. Interesting how all the last names begin with "L". |