F-4: 1941, Wings
Comics #1 (Fiction House). Rex Keen is ace agent of "Air Intelligence"
operating under the codename of F-4 fighting against the Germans
in occupied Europe |
The Face: 1940,
Big Shot Comics 1-104 (Columbia Comics). Tony Trent is a radio newscaster
and he grows disgusted with all the crimes and injustice he reports
on. He takes a page from Batman's book and decides on a look that
will scare the crooks. He comes up with a mask that will terrify
the crooks and it proves so effective that it sometimes horrifies
the people he helps as well. In issue 62 or 63, he gives up the
mask and fights injustice as plain ole Tony Trent. As done by his
artist-creator, the Face stayed a highly polished and quality done
strip until the end. |
Fadeway Farr: 1938, Funny Pictures Stories v2 #10? (Centaur). Farr is a buckskin, coonskin cap wearing colonial ranger and scout helping others in the American wildernesses. |
Frank Fairplay: 1940, Cat-Man Comics (Holyoke). Frank Fairplay starts off as a strip about a student and his various adventures as an athlete along with his school chums Tom Patton and Will Maitland. In issue #15 (Nov. 1942), Frank is drafted and his chums enlist and it becomes about their adventures as buck privates. Text stories. |
Flick Falcon: 1939, Fantastic Comics #1 (Fox). More commonly referred to as Flip Falcon, he invents a device which allows him to go through space and other dimensions via the Fourth Dimension. Which promptly gets him emboiled in a Martian invasion. His girlfriend is Adele. Flick/Flip is able to use his device to travel through space, time and the spirit world. In some cases, his body is charged with electricity from the beam which helps him in fighting demons. In issue 18, his girlfriend is named Peg. |
Guy Falcon: 1939, Amazing Mystery Funnies #8 (Centaur). Falcon was a pilot adventurer
through the "40's. |
Fangs, the Wolf Boy: 1946, Sparkling Stars #20 (Holyoke). Fangs grows up in the jungle raised by wolves ala Tarzan so, by the time he reaches young adulthood, he is able to talk the languages of the jungle. He wears a leopard/jaguar loincloth but differs from other jungle lords in that he has prominent canines which give him his name. He meets beautiful Lana Reed and her brother (Professor Rand Reed researching germ warfare for the government) and makes plans to accompany them back to America. Standing in his way are the beautiful but cruel Maata, the Leopard Girl who wants to rule her jungle kingdom with Fangs as her mate while Rajo and his pirates want the kingdom for themselves. NOTE: A serial strip that had an ongoing story and soap opera that unfolded over subsequent issues. The art originally reminded me of Gil Kane, only to discover the credit to be Sid Greene, a frequent inker of his and Dick Dillin in the 60s and 70s. |
Fantom of the Fair: 1939, Amazing Mystery Funnies #11
or v2 #7 (Centaur). From the 1939 New York World's Fair comes
a man known as the Fantom, guarding it against crooks and the
such. Eventually, he'd be known as Fantoman and expand his sphere
of operations a bit. The Fantom owes a bit to the Phantom of Notre
Dame, his hideout is below the Fair, accessible via boat across
an underground river. He's strong enough to tear apart a rifle
with his hands and bend its metal barrel as well as carrying a
grown man over his head and punching his arm through a stone wall.
He also knows hypnosis, able to hypnotize a thug into amnesia.
There's also hints at a vast history. A contractor of the Fair
claims to have read about the Fantom in an old book when laying
the foundation to the Fair.When an enormous arctic ape called
Ticonda was on display at the World's Fair he saw the Fantom of
the Fair, broke out of his cage and fought him. Although the battle
was close, the Fantom finally knocked Ticonda out and returned
him to captivity. An interesting comment was made in this story
that Ticonda and the Fantom had fought 10,000 years before. A
true mystery-man. |
Fantomah: 1940,
Jungle Comics #2 (Fiction House). Billed as Queen of the Jungle, she is a beauty until she gets angry.
Her skin goes blue, she gets muscular and her face becomes skull-like.
It seems it is that form which brings her sorcerous powers to full
bear. NOTE: One of the oddball creations of Fletcher Hanks,
she is also in the running for consideration as comics' first female
superhero depending on your definition. |
Fantomah II: 1942,
Jungle Comics #36 (Fiction House). This Fantomah was billed as "Daughter of the Pharaohs". She is a ruler of a Lost City of caucasian Egyptians in Africa. Her companion is the intelligent black panther named Fury as well as Horus, the handome and valiant captain of the guards. In at least one story, she calls on the gods for magical aide as she seems unable to cast spells herself ala the first Fantomah. NOTE: The issue is based on information from the GCD. The character at this point seemed different enough to consider her a totally different character. This isn't unusual for characters in the Fiction House genre books. As new creators came onto a character and strip, it usually got changed completely around which makes it difficult to pin a character down. In this case the creator is listed as George Appel and interesting in its own way. |
Far East Rangers: See Don Stuart under S |
Buck Farrel: 1945, Crown Comics #3 (McCombs). Buck is the typical sea-faring adventure, captaining the freight schooner, the Suzy Q. His first mate is “Corny” Shale. The rest of his crew seem to be natives. In addition to adventures on the seas, a trip to Haiti has him facing a zombie. |
Fearless Fellers: 1943, Blue Bolt v3 #9 (Novelty). The FF is a club of four boys. Chuck, the leader; Inky, an African-American boy drawn in the more realistic style of the strip and not quite as stereotypical as is often the case; Pudge, a chubby boy; and lastly Butch, who isn't a boy at all but a girl named Betty in disguise so that they will like her. She lives with her Aunt Martha and pretends to be her own twin sister when she cannot disguise she's a girl. A charming but prosaic strip. |
Fearless Flint:
1941, Famous Funnies 89-109. Construction worker Jack Bradley is
caught in an avalanche caused by an explosion and covered with a
strange dust. Afterwards, he's able to make his body hard like flint
(strangely colored red with little sparks popping off) with rock-like invulnerability and strength, via contact with metal.
He doesn't adopt a costume, just generally goes shirtless. The art
was by one of the more unique artists of the time, Henry Peters,
the artist behind Man O' Metal and more famously for Wonder Woman. |
Art Fenton: 1944, Camera Comics #1 (U.S. Camera). During the War, Art is a sergeant with the signal corps and his job is to chronicle the War with his photographs. After the War, he solves crimes for the Ephraim Smith Detective Agency making use of his knowledge of photography. In the last issue, it's Ephraim Tuttle Detective Agency. |
George Ferguson: 1944, Camera Comics #2 (U.S. Camera). Redheaded newsreel cameraman ferrets out enemies of America with the use of his cameras and his fighting ability. |
Fero: 1940,
Planet Comics #5 (Fiction House). Fero is an interplanetary supernatural
detective, pretty much covering all bases. So, he traveled from
planet to planet taking on cases whether they involved old-fashioned
crooks, alien despots and monsters, or werewolves. He's a good detective
but has no innate magical ability nor any type artifact to aid him. |
Inspector Chic Ferrel:
1939, Amazing Mystery Funnies (Centaur). Ace investigator, he reports
to Chief of Detectives O'Rourke. He solved the strange suicides
at Hillcrest Sanitarium that pitted him against a masked robed madman
(see Hillcrest Phantom) and his idiot brute Quando among other crimes. |
Ferret: 1942,
Man of War Comics #2 (Centaur). Cal Daltan belongs to that sub-set
of vigilantes in that he is publicly a policeman. In his case, he
goes better than most in that he's actually a police commissioner.
Whether he doesn't like being bound by red tape or just has no faith
in his detectives, in addition to managing the police he investigates
crimes in costume as the Ferret. He's strong and can fly. I don't
know how he came about his powers. Seriously, a flying ferret? |
Gordon Fife: 1935, Gordon Fife and the Boy King (newspaper strip?) Gordon Fife is an American soldier of fortune in the kingdom of Kovnia, where he helps the young boy king of Kovnia, Nicholas and Nicholas' older sister Caroline, the princess regent. Caroline eventually becomes Gordon's girlfriend. He's also aided by Ali, his Hindu man-Friday. The strip was reprinted in comics by Dell, Centaur, and Eastern. |

Fighting Yank: 1941, Startling Comics #10 (Better Publications).
The ghost of Bruce Carter I appears to his 1940's descendent Bruce
Carter III and directs him to where he can find an cloak that
when he puts it on he gains superpower and a mission to fight
the enemies of America, both the home-grown variety and foreign.
He is aided in his endeavors by his girlfriend Joan. Since this
is Better Publications, he has a twist to the usual super-strength,
invulnerability, but susceptible to blows to the head. His twist
is that he's able to communicate with his ghostly ancestor who
around once per story also intervenes and rescues him from certain
doom. He often looked better on the covers by Schomburg than he
did inside. Although there are a handful of excellent tales by
Jerry (Batman) Robinson and Mort (Johnny Quick) Meskin. In these,
his costume is more Revolutionary War-ish and less superheroic
(loose fitting shirt, no mask, poney-tailed white wig) and he
doesn't show any overt powers other than his contact with his
ancestor. |
Barry Finn:
1939, Amazing Mystery Funnies #8 or v2 n4 (Centuar). This daredevil
adventurer and explorer used his skills, daring, and intelligence
to battle the machination of the spy-master, Dr. Zaroff. He's aided
by the yellow-skinned strong amphibian man Frogga (though slightly
dull-witted) as a partner. "Little Tommy Grey also assists him. |
1941, Choice #1 (Great Publications). Mike O'Malley is a performing
"fire eater" by virtue of special pills that he takes.
He is able to also use these tablets to spew forth lethally hot
flame in order to fight crime as a masked hero called...Fire-Eater.
And you thought teen sidekicks Dusty, Bucky, and Buddy were the
only ones uncreative in coming up with a name. Although, to be fair,
it looks like he performs under his superheroic identity.He's helped
in his crimefighting by his girl Louise Peters, head nurse at State
Hospital. |
Fire-Man: 1941,
Liberty Scouts #2 (Centaur). In the woods of Utah, Jim is one of
several firemen fighting a string of forest fires. At the 3rd one
in a month, he sees a fleeing girl and follows her only to be captured
and knocked unconscious by a large weird figure. The figure takes
him to a secret lab where a bearded mad scientist has him placed
in a chamber and then atomizes him to smoke. When he reconstitutes
he is now lighter than air, transformed into "solid gas"
and the scientist gives the young man a special uniform. Turns out
the woman is the scientist's niece Nancy (hypnotized to do his bidding)
and the weird figure is his huge hulking assistant Gaston in a fireproof
suit. The scientist is overjoyed at success after "several
failures" but Jim realizes that those failures were other firefighters
who had vanished in the previous fires. Jim attacks the scientist
who pulls a flame gun on Jim but it turns out that fire extinguishes
itself near his new body. The scientist only succeeds to destroy
his lab and himself in trying to stop Jim. Jim devotes to use his
powers to fight fires and crime as Fire Man (hyphenated in title, but not the story). He is able to move
swiftly, fly, super strong as well as extinguishing fires by being
near them. |
Firebrand: 1941,
Victory Comics #1 (Hillman) Stunt flier and co-pilot Jack "Bomber"
Burns and Dave Matten are flying a plane from Newfoundland to England
when they are shot down and Matten is killed. Vowing revenge, Burns
steals a Lockheed airplane and in a hidden dell, works on it, outfitting
it with special weaponry (incendiary bullets, a flame-thrower and
a cannon) and painting it red as well as making a costume for himself.
He names the plane the Firebrand, though it appears the name could
apply to him as well. NOTE: DC also has a Bomber Burns, an
American stunt flyer. And, Quality Comics has their own Firebrand
that will go on the Quality pages when done here. As it stands,
I have two more Firebrands to cover! |
Firebrand (II):
Yankee Comics (Chesler) "A strange bolt from the sun and a professor's
uncanny knowledge of electricity creates the most spectacular and
dynamic crime fighter, the Firebrand! Who at will controls a powerful
death dealing charge of electricity." He starts off as an unnamed
line man repairing a broken wire on a telephone pole when he's struck
by the sun-bolt. Witnessed by Professor Rand who was passing by,
he takes the unconscious worker and performs an experiment on him,
enduing him with great powers. Like Pyroman, he takes a name that
has little to do with his powers. When he clenches his fists, he
becomes fully charged, invulnerable enough to stand up against a
speeding car, bullets melting before they reach him, able to fly
and fire electrical blasts. |
Firebrand (III):
1943, All New Comics #1 (Family/Harvey). Ray O'Light is basically
the same Firebrand as #2, just a few minor cosmetic changes and
sold to Harvey by Chesler. |
Firehair: 1945, Rangers Comics #21 (Fiction). Not much is known of her early on. Her Bostonian father traveling under the assumed name of J. B. Smith is killed in Texas by criminals posing as Indians. She loses her memory, but is found by Little Ax, son of a local chief of a real Indian tribe. and nursed back to health. Like many Tarzan types, she not only masters native skills but is better at them than anyone else around. She gains a horse, Devil-Eye. She eventually regains her memory: her real name is Lynn Cabot and she travels back to Boston to claim her inheritance. She returns back to the West to continue fighting lowdown owlhoots. |
The Flag: 1941, Our Flag #2 (Ace). "Born with a chest
birth-mark resembling the American Flag, Jim Courtney, adopted
son of John Courtney, an old flag-maker and war veteran known
as "Old Glory," has been endowed by the immortals of
U.S. history with the strength of a hundred men and the speed
of the wind. When traitors seek to destroy our country, Jim dons
the special patriotic uniform made for him by "Old Glory"
and goes forth as the hard-hitting patriotic avenger, to crush
and destroy them!" (Our Flag #4). Old Glory is confined to a wheel-chair.
His birthmark glows, warning him of danger and when he flies,
he leaves a star spangled wake which he can actually use to sky-write. The patriots originally give him the power to be immune to weapons and he can activate and de-activate his powers by touching the birthmark on his chest. In his first story, he also is able to give someone else his powers by their touching his birthmark. |
Flag Man:
1941, Captain Aero 1-13 (Holyoke). Major Hornet is aide to the President but also fights America's enemies as the patriotic Flag-man. His kid partner is Rusty.Neither possesses any overt super powers. |
Flagg: Victory Comics #1. A Japanese fighting Marine in Shanghai. |
The Flame (I):
1939, Wonderworld #3 (Fox Features). As a baby, Gary Preston loses
his missionary father Chateris Preston in China during a flood.
Preston is saved when he's placed Moses-like in a basket which carries
him into that mystical hub Tibet. Friendly lamas (not Llamas) raise him naturally
to the peaks of human condition. Unlike other people coming to Tibet
and gaining some generic abilities, Gary specializes in areas of
fire, learning how to materialize from the smallest spark and smoke
and able to control flames. Early in his career he had to use a
flame gun to actually shoot any flames, but eventually, he gained
the ability to light up like a Human Torch. In America, he becomes a private investigator in his Gary Preston identity. He briefly has a sidekick in the two-fisted Pug. During one case where
he thought he was going to die, he managed to impart his abilities
to his girlfriend, Linda Dale who adopted an identical costume and
became Flame Girl (1941, Wonderworld Comics #30). The Flame
recovered and they continued on as a crime fighting duo.
It should be noted that he actually pre-dates the Human Torch. |
Flame (II):
1946, Golden Lad #5 (Spark). Don Wickett at radio station WWGL in
Knickerbocker City is the hero the Shaman. His secretary Kandy Wilson
is his sidekick, the Flame. Neither possesses any super-powers. |
Flame (III):
1954, The Flame #1 (Ajax Farrell). Chemist Kip Adams is the red
and yellow clad hero called the Flame. While superbly strong, fast
and tough, he may or not possess any real super powers. His girlfriend
is reporter (natch) Susan Page. NOTE: Ajax-Farrell picked
up a variety of titles from defunct companies, such as Phantom Lady,
Samson, Wonder Boy and the Black Cobra. With some like the Flame
and the Black Cobra, the characters underwent substantial changes,
enough to be considered a totally separate character. |
Flamebird: 1944, Tailspin Comics #1 (Spotlight). Flamebird is a costumed hero operating in Europe and seems to have some pull with the military. He's a capable pilot, fighter and able to quick-draw his gun and fire with amazing speed and accuracy. In his one published case, he pursues a superb German pilot and lets the pilot to force him to land in order to find out the mystery pilot's identity. He's surprized when he discovers it's a woman called the Valkyrie and filled with Nazi hatred. She tries to shoot him with her drawn gun, but before she can fire, he draws and shoots her. With her dying confession, she admits Germany is losing the war and she hoped to inspire other German women to take to the air. NOTE: This story was lifted from a Blackout story from Catman Comics #24. The only change appears to be the hero's name and colors of his costume. |
Flamingo: 1944,
Contact Comics 1-3 (Aviation Press). Colonel Moore Williams takes
to the air in a strange gaudily colored plane and costume to fight
the enemies of the allies wherever they may be. One adventure takes
place in India trying to solve the mystery of a thug cult who has
taken to do their killing by air in Jap Zeroes. |
Flamingo II: 1952, Flamingo Newspaper strip (Phoenix Features, Inc). Flamingo is a beautiful exotic Gypsy and worked in the underground at killing Nazis. After the war, she returned to the caravan led by her grandfather Pepo, the maker of death masks. Even here, she still found adventure. She has a pair of trained dogs, one named Satan. She is also in possession of a magic comb that belonged to her mother Dela. The comb will show her the face of mortal enemies. |
Flash Lightning: See Lash Lightning |
Brad Fletcher: Champion Comics #2 (Harvey). Lt. Brad Fletcher
is the best undersea expert in the US Navy and they send him to investigate the disappearances of submarines. He discovers Neptina and the race of fishmen. They give him a special bubble that allows him to breathe easily and rub a chemical on his skin that makes his skin more water proof and resistant to the great pressures. He's aided by his pal Whitey, and girl Norma Kane. |
Corporal Flint: 1940, Super-Mystery Comics v1 #1 (Ace). Andy Flint is with the Canadian Mounted Police. |
Vic Flint: 1948, Authentic Police Cases #10 (St. John Publications). Vic is a tough and clever private investigator and his gal is Janet Lilt (whose brother's death is one mystery he has to solve), to be replaced by Libby Lang. Naturally, he is a thorn in the side of Inspector Growl. |
Sherry Flippe: 1944 Suspense #5 (Et-Es-Go ((Holyoke?))). Sherry Flippe is a girl detectivem |
Flyin' Flynn: 1941, Champ Comics (Harvey). American stunt pilot with the R.A.F., taking the fight to the Luftwaffe with his daring and stunt flying. |
Flyin' Jenny: 1939, Flyin' Jenny (newspaper strip - Bell Syndicate). Virginia Dare worked at the Starcraft Aviation Factory where she wow'ed the company bosses with a demonstration of exceptional piloting. From there she became involved in all sorts of adventures and intrigues. After success in the War, she found it more difficult post-war as there weren't as many jobs for pilots, especially female ones. |
Flying Dutchman:
1942, Air Fighters #2 (Hillman). When Germans wipe out his family,
this nameless pilot from the Netherlands enters the war against
them. Following a battle, he'd drop white roses, the number of which
matching the number of foes he shot down. |
Flying Eagle: 1945, Blazing Comics #6 (Rural). Flying Eagle is a Native American hero in what appears to be the Old West. Bare-chested and wearing buckskin pants and moccasins, he looks the stereotypical Indian but talks using good English, whereas the whites talk with stereotypical western dialects and idioms. Far as I know this was the only appearance of Flying Eagle. Rural had another Native American hero in Red Hawk, who dressed similarly, was a pilot in WWII stories and appeared in earlier issues but not this one. Which raises a question. The cover features an Indian attacking Japanese soldiers. Which character is it? |
Flying Fist:
1943, Prize Comics #35-43 (Feature Publications). He and his brother
Bingo bill themselves as the "complete vaudeville show" - songs,
dancing, juggling, ventriloquism and acrobatics. Which usually involves
them solving crimes as well. The story I read does not give their
real names, but neither seems to take great pains of keeping their
secret id since their heroic costumes are the same as the ones they
use for the show. |
Flying Fool: 1946, Airboy Comics v3 #8 (Hillman). Link Thorne, the
"Flying Fool," is a tough guy pilot who'll fly anywhere under any conditions.
He runs Blockbuster Air Service, an air charter service barely staying in business in and around Shanghai and is assisted by his
secretary Wing-Ding and his chief rival is the beautiful Riot O'Hara who runs the Fireball Airline. Simon & Kirby worked on several of these stories. |
Flying Phantom: See Flying Phantom |
Flying Trio:
1940, Crash Comics #1 (Holyoke). Kay, Mac, and Low (the latter is
an Asian) are adventurers and pilots fighting against the enemy
for the little country of Sylvania. |
1941, Spitfire Comics #1 (John F. Mahon). Clip Foster is a heavyweight
boxer and agrees to an experiment: to be shrunk to fly size by his
scientist father. Before he can be enlarged, gangsters kill his
father and knock over acid, burning and disfiguring Clip's face.
He doesn't let his small size be a detriment to his getting revenge
ad continuing on as a hero. He designs a costume and becomes Fly-Man.
As Fly-Man he still has the ability and power of a full-sized heavyweight
and he carries a coil of rope that is multi-purposeful depending
on his needs. |
Gabby Flynn: 1939, Keen Detective Funnies v4 no6 (Centaur) From Copperage: (on the cover of his debut comic) He's wearing a blue overcoat over standard business suit and is shooting what appears to be a couple baddies (possibly mad scientists) in the back with his revolver. He was drawn on the cover with a very pug-ugly tough-guy face and is not just a reporter but a "reporter detective"! Guess with that revolver shooting habit, he puts the "dead" in "deadline."
However, in the strips, he seems your normal good looking heroic reporter. He and his buddy Longfellow (short, bald and the photographer) work for the Morning Herald. They have a rival in Miss Maxine "Maxie" Tuft who works for the town's other paper. |
Jack Flynn: 1940, Crash Comics #1 (Holyoke).
Jack Flynn and Joan Joyce are travelling to cover the war in Asia when they are stranded in a remote mountain region in Tibet. There, they meet Shangra. Shangra was born the 7th son of a 7th son in a remote region in Tibet. Now, 200 years old, a master of mystic arts and supposedly possessing the secret of immortal life, he is tired and searches for an heir to take over and marry his great, great, great grand-daughter Lonna. Jack and Joan keep trying to escape and are forced to kidnap Lonna and carry Shangra with them while Lonna is seen as being his wife though it's really Joan he's interested in. Jack eventually is bestowed magical powers by a slowly dying Shangra. |
The Fog: 1942, Captain Aero #3 (Holyoke). A masked hero advertised in Captain Aero #3. However, he never materializes in the comic though the Gargoyle does debut in #5.

Glory Forbes: 1942, Rangers of Freedom #5 (Fiction). Daughter of America's foremost bomber designer. She gets kidnapped by The Scarlet Crab, an underground Asian/Germanring who uses (they are Asian with the accent stereotypes but pepper speech with German words) a drug to brainwash her into killing her father. Through the intervention of her FBI boyfriend Randy Duncan and the ring is busted. She goes from there to actually go on undercover missions for the FBI. Randy at some point disappears and Glory seems to report to Ted Blake who would like to romance her. NOTE: The strip is actually called "Glory Forbes Vigilante" but she doesn't adopt the name, nor is there actual much vigilantism in the opening story (what with her being a victim most of the story and her boyfriend actually law enforcement).
Fortune: 1946, Don Fortune Magazine (Don Fortune Publishing
Co.). Marine airman Don Fortune and buddy Andy Jarvis fight crime
and wicked men back home in the States after the War and their discharge
from the Armed Forces. |
Fifty Fathoms Foster: 1945, Red Circle Comics #1. He is Lt. Commander Foster, commander of his own ship. His second is Bob Evans. His crew worked a salvage operation off of Bombay, India. As such, he’s an expert sea diver and swimmer even without equipment. |
Comrades: 1942, Startling Comics #16 (Standard), They differed from many kid gangs in that they wore identical costumes
and had no adult supervision. Buzz Brandon, while not a tall or husky lad, is a trained boxer, quick, constantly moving and a powerhouse in the ring though deemed too small for the school team. Walking through the slums, he rescues the two boys Pudge O'Connor and Tip Adams from getting held up. The two trail the crook and find Black Satan and a scheme to kidnap the rich boy Tommy Tompkins. Tommy is also an inventor of gadgets. The group decides to counter Black Satan's campaign of fear by dressing up in patriotic costumes and become the Four Comrades. Buzz's uncle is a theatrical costumer, which is how they get the costumes. Buzz seems to be the default leader. |
Johnny Fox: 1940, Champion Comics #6 (Small Press/Harvey). Johnny Fox is a Seminole Indian super-detective, using his wits and science to solve crimes that stump the police. At one time he had sun-shot pellets bequeathed to him that would make him invisible supplied to him by his grandfather (red for invisibility, blue to counter). His grandfather is slain by Peter Pokane, a renegade half-breed and the pellets stolen. In Champ Comics #12, the witch woman of his tribe Mama Three Bears communicates with the spirit of his grandfather who imparts the secret formula for the invisibility pellets to him. He's later billed as an "Indian Ace" |
1941, Freelance #1 (Anglo-American Publishing). Real name and origin
unrevealed, Freelance operated out of occupied Europe fighting against
the Germans. He was helped in his missions by John Collins. A Canadian
comic. |
Front Page Peggy: 1946, Startling Comics #41 (Standard). Peggy is a dedicated reporter for “The Ledger”. She's also no slouch in a fight, willing to take on several men at a time. |
Jerry Frost: 1937, Funny Pages v1#8 (Centaur). Jerry Frost is a sea scout, learning how to handle a tall-ship, has an old locket with secrets to a fortune which lead to the Lost Islands. |
Stormy Frost: 1945, Witty Comics #1 (Irwin H. Rubin). Reworking of Frosty North from Fight Comics. Like Frosty, Stormy is an FBI agent stationed in Alaska. |
Dr. Fung: 1939, Wonder Comics #1 (Fox). Dr. Fung is an elder Asian-American scientist and detective. The young man Dan Barrister provides the muscle, skilled in boxing and other methods of fighting. The two travel the world fighting various criminal and weird menaces. Dr. Fung has a niece in the pretty Soo Fung who by story's end seems smitten with Dan and vice versa. |
Fury of the Foreign Legion: 1938 Funny Picture Stories v2#11 (Centaur). Michael Fury is framed for a murder and flees to join the Foreign Legion. |
~1947, Planet Comics #43 (Fiction House). 21st Century Earthling
secretary Marcia Reynolds is kidnapped in order to be used as a
guinea pig in experiments by the villainous Lord Menthor from the
planet Cymradia. After escaping she takes up the battle against
Lord Menthor and various other evils as Futura. |
Futuro: 1941/42,
Great Comics (Great Comics Publications/Dell) A robed being with
the ability to travel through time and space and beyond. He once
took Hitler to Hell (guess he couldn't just leave him there). |